加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车2012 Beetle 价格咨询


在官方网站上,2012 Beetle Highline 自动档标配税后$30611. 快到年底了,不知道能砍下多少, 如果付现金,是不是还能便宜一些? 还有,不知道这款车怎么样,比较喜欢外形和大众的发动机. 另外,从网站上看,GPS是标配,不知道是不是真的. 多谢

2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate....... 超赞 赏 S sunmenghao 0$(VIP 0) 2882012-08-28#2 回复: 2012 Beetle 价格咨询gps不是标配,highline除了官方给你的rabais,照着1500砍吧,最后能砍到给公司留500的利润就成功了。个人建议,上了highline如果还要天窗,蓝牙的话,不如直接上sport版了,sport太帅了。

回复: 2012 Beetle 价格咨询gps不是标配,highline除了官方给你的rabais,照着1500砍吧,最后能砍到给公司留500的利润就成功了。个人建议,上了highline如果还要天窗,蓝牙的话,不如直接上sport版了,sport太帅了。点击展开...多谢.我也认为GPS不是标配,可不知道位什么网站上车型对比显示是标配.估计我不会要蓝牙和天窗,最多是增加GPS. 不知道这款车质量怎么样,能给些建议吗?

2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate....... 超赞 赏 加拿大民工 0$(VIP 0) 5,3282012-08-28#4 回复: 2012 Beetle 价格咨询为啥考虑这个车?

不知道签些啥子,所以就签了这个 超赞 赏 外 外婆的澎湖湾 0$(VIP 0) 6502012-08-28#5 回复: 2012 Beetle 价格咨询小毛病多,总在修。

回复: 2012 Beetle 价格咨询为啥考虑这个车?点击展开...家里已经有了一辆SUV,就想买一辆小一点的给老婆送女儿上学用(要搬家了,女儿开学11年级了,不想换学校),等过两年女儿上大学了给女儿开---感觉这个车型挺适合女孩子的. 有什么建议吗? 谢谢

2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......小毛病多,总在修。点击展开...那可够吓人的,大众的人工费用太高了.以前我买过一辆二手帕萨特,买之前我老板告诫我不要买大众的产品,总是要维修,我没有听,结果果然是总出小问题.我以为是我运气不好,后来有人告诉我这里的大众车都是墨西哥生产的,电器部分总出问题,看来是真的了.也许应该考虑一下别的适合女士的车型了--有什么好的建议吗?多谢

2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......家里已经有了一辆SUV,就想买一辆小一点的给老婆送女儿上学用(要搬家了,女儿开学11年级了,不想换学校),等过两年女儿上大学了给女儿开---感觉这个车型挺适合女孩子的. 有什么建议吗? 谢谢点击展开...完全不建议这个车,,如果喜欢德系的,不如买个3系低配的靠谱

不知道签些啥子,所以就签了这个 超赞 赏 C changtongBanned 0$(VIP 0) 5,5002012-08-28#9 回复: 2012 Beetle 价格咨询mini cooperhttp://www.thecarboy.com/index.php?...cidents-local-16900&catid=35:usedcar&Itemid=1喜欢!

NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary完全不建议这个车,,如果喜欢德系的,不如买个3系低配的靠谱点击展开...Money......

2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......mini cooperhttp://www.thecarboy.com/index.php?...cidents-local-16900&catid=35:usedcar&Itemid=1 喜欢!点击展开...已经被老婆和女儿否了,不过看到对Beetle的评价,也许应该再去看看Mini多谢!

2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......Money......点击展开...那就买烤肉

不知道签些啥子,所以就签了这个 超赞 赏 C Carc 0$(VIP 0) 6,3102012-08-29#13 回复: 2012 Beetle 价格咨询同推荐Mini,保值性可以和日本车一拼,故障率比VW低很~~~~多。内饰不如VW感觉好,但是女人也许反而喜欢。年底买当年款,折扣会不少的,我刚买了一部Countryman。不过要注意countryman似乎保值性不如普通的小mini cooper。

回复: 2012 Beetle 价格咨询故障率很低

NOC4131,bj 自评69分 2009.11.16妥投,2010.1.21RN到,2010.2.3补料妥投,2.4FN,2.8收到FN 3.2 IP 3.5变5补料,3.15补料妥投 3.18变8 3.22变12 10.18ME 11.10变8 12.8变12 2011.6.7 DM 6.15 visa 7.27长登 9.20 上班 VO:EXI~RODCitizen: 2014.10.5 递表 2015.10.13考试 12.04入籍Parent: 2016.1.4 递表 08.20IP 10.04 ME 11.04MER 11.22 BC 12.8PPR 1216 Visa Recived 1220 Landing Calgary 超赞 赏 W walking_fish 0$(VIP 0) 1,6742012-08-29#15 回复: 2012 Beetle 价格咨询今天在报纸上看到fiat c500自动档,顶棚可向后折叠,不是完全意义上的敞篷车,19995。税和其他费用另计。

回复: 2012 Beetle 价格咨询Called a dealer in Toronto, 2012 Beetle, Sport mode with auto transmission, plus Technology and Connectivity package, it is about 35K, is it OK? As I just called and get this price, if I walk-in to discuss the deal, how much more I can cut off?Thank youThank you

2015 PGP--two cases for parents and parents-in-law:Jan 1st 10:30AM drop off to hr-ex.com Markham Office;Jan 2nd 8:01 delivered and signed by CIC;Jan 9th, CIC charged $2,200 on my Credit Card;Feb 22,eCAS shows that both applications were received on Jan 2nd;March 21, 1:44/1:49AM, received the email with file numbers.2016-4-13 parents in law sponsor! 2016-4-14 parents sponsor!2016-09-02 parents health check and police certificate; 2016-09-18 in-laws health check and police certificate.......今天在报纸上看到fiat c500自动档,顶棚可向后折叠,不是完全意义上的敞篷车,19995。税和其他费用另计。点击展开...建议不要买fiat,质量没保障。

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