加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车最差的二手车-----BMW上榜


London, July 22 (ANI): German car brand BMW is among the worst on the second-hand market for developing faults, researchers have revealed.Its convertible series, aged between four and eight years old, was likely to be off the road longest for repairs at an average of 3.5 days. In the biggest survey of car reliability in the UK, nearly 40,000 drivers were quizzed on the most common faults which plagued their cars and which models had the worst record for faults. Among newer models under three years old, the Peugeot 3008 MPV was most likely to be off the road longest at an average of 1.94 days, the Daily Mail reported. Second was the Land Rover Discovery 4 which was found to be typically off the road for 1.82 days for repairs, followed by the Alfa Romeo Guiletta at 1.37 days. A sporty BMW 3 series convertible up to three years old was likely to be in the garage for 1.33 days per repair, while a newish Citroen C5 sold since 2009 endured an average 1.29 days off the road. Among older cars between four and eight years old likely to need repairs, BMW models featured twice. First was the BMW 3 series convertible at an average of 3.5 days. Second was the Land Rover Discover 3 (average 2.7 days), followed by another BMW, the 3 Series Touring model built between 2004 and 2008. It was off the road for repairs lasting an average 2.6 days. The most common faults are all relatively minor, such as jammed fuel filler caps, remote keyfob faults and rattles and noises from interior trim. A total of 86 percent of cars with minor faults are back on the road the same day. Other minor issues, including problems with headlights, window washers and windscreen wipers, also crop up frequently, but are again quick to fix. But only a quarter of cars with suspension problems make it back on the road the same day. Exhaust and emissions control systems keep even more cars off the road for longer with just two thirds repaired within 24 hours. A BMW spokesman told the Daily Mirror: "We are surprised at this. A big percentage of our customers are repeat buyers which shows they have excellent ownership experiences." (ANI)

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