加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车新规范偏置碰撞试验丰田全面溃败,暴露其防护设计针对性太强
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回复: 新规范偏置碰撞试验丰田全面溃败,暴露其防护设计针对性太顶冒华人神话之大不韪帖
回复: 新规范偏置碰撞试验丰田全面溃败,暴露其防护设计针对性太等待B-A-King出现
回复: 新规范偏置碰撞试验丰田全面溃败,暴露其防护设计针对性太测试标准的改变也是为了厂商提高更安全的车
回复: 新规范偏置碰撞试验丰田全面溃败,暴露其防护设计针对性太昨天听到电台上honda广告,很有得意忘形的味道,说以前某些top selling car的碰撞成绩不好云云。
回复: 新规范偏置碰撞试验丰田全面溃败,暴露其防护设计针对性太昨天听到电台上honda广告,很有得意忘形的味道,说以前某些top selling car的碰撞成绩不好云云。点击展开...幸灾乐祸,落井下石本是同根生相煎何太急
回复: making insurance companies more profitable请你用脑子想想,这家收取80家主要保险公司的钱为生的机构,找出最畅销的车为“最不安全”,其用意就是提高保险公司的收益而已,在美国早已声名狼藉。The IIHS has come under scrutiny on several occasions since the 1980s over what some consider unfair bias against certain vehicle types, namely some small pickups and certain types of motorcycles. Since the IIHS first-and-foremost represents the interests of the 80 insurance companies from which it receives its funding, critics such as the American Motorcyclist Association have suggested that the IIHS sometimes seeks to influence legislation aimed at making insurance companies more profitable, rather than benefiting the public interest.
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard 超赞 赏 B-a-King 0$(VIP 0) 10,5202013-01-10#9 回复: 新规范偏置碰撞试验丰田全面溃败,暴露其防护设计针对性太看看这个机构的累累劣迹:In 1980, the IIHS helped 60 Minutes produce a report showing the Jeep CJ rolling over eight times in 435 test runs conducted by a robotic driving apparatus. The testing was criticized as unrealistic in an editorial in National Review[11] The IIHS released a report in 2007 suggesting that certain types of motorcycles be either banned or restricted from use on public roads, specifically sport bikes, after lumping together several different types of non-sport motorbikes into makeshift categories, allegedly to skew the crash data in favor of its argument. The 2007 report mirrored a similar IIHS study released in 1987, which was claimed by the IIHS to be based on findings in the famous Hurt Report motorcycle crash study, and which was used to influence U.S. Sen. John Danforth into proposing a law that would have mandated horsepower limits for bikes sold in America. Dr. Hugh H. "Harry" Hurt, Jr., the noted author of the Hurt Report, called the 1987 IIHS study "sloppy" and "fatally flawed".[12] Citing its similarities to the 1987 report, AMA called the 2007 IIHS report "... a bike classification shell game". An AMA news release stated: "We beat the IIHS sportbike ban [in 1987], and we even got Sen. Danforth on our side, saying that he recognized that the AMA had the constituent interest in motorcycle safety and that his IIHS-backed bill was a 'dead-end street.'".[12] Ed Moreland, AMA vice president for government relations, said of the 2007 report: "This kind of flawed report, passed off as scientific research, has the potential to do great damage. At the very least, it can create false perceptions we’ll have to fight for years. And at worst, it could lead to restrictive laws that have no basis in reality.”[12] In the IIHS' annual reports on vehicle safety they frequently miscorrelate vehicle safety with the number of driver deaths each year. Their calculation of "Death Rate" selectively excludes the number of non-fatal crashes that occur; without this data, the actual likelihood of dying in a crash is simply unknown.Nonetheless, the IIHS has used this method for 22 years to determine the safest vehicles.[13]
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard 超赞 赏 寂 寂寞梧桐 0$(VIP 0) 1,9422013-01-14#10 回复: 新规范偏置碰撞试验丰田全面溃败,暴露其防护设计针对性太...........
回复: 新规范偏置碰撞试验丰田全面溃败,暴露其防护设计针对性太KING厉害。
人生何处不相逢,与人为善,乐事也! 超赞 赏 T toquebec 0$(VIP 0) 1,6032013-01-15#12 回复: 新规范偏置碰撞试验丰田全面溃败,暴露其防护设计针对性太以前总是把IIHS的测试结果拿出来秀,现在测试结果不行了,就开始说IIHS很烂,哈哈,这就是人性。。。。
回复: 新规范偏置碰撞试验丰田全面溃败,暴露其防护设计针对性太以前总是把IIHS的测试结果拿出来秀,现在测试结果不行了,就开始说IIHS很烂,哈哈,这就是人性。。。。点击展开...哈哈,得饶人处且饶人
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