加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车汽车保险术语解释(中英)(转贴)
Glossary of car insurance coverageBodily Injury and Liability InsuranceThis car insurance protects you from claims made against you which you are obligated to pay if you cause bodily injury to someone in a crash. This also covers your defense costs. Bodily Injury Liability limits usually specify 2 dollar amounts, the first amount limiting payments to a single person per accident and the second amount puts a cap on the total amount of payment for all persons injured per accident.Collision InsuranceCollision coverage pays for the damage to your vehicle by collision with another vehicle or fixed objects like trees, signs, buildings, etc. This coverage is what gets invoked when the accident is your fault.Comprehensive Coverage InsuranceThis is your "fire and theft coverage, and covers damage to your car for anything other than a wreck, like tornados, floods, vandalism, theft, hitting a deer, etc.Car RentalIf your vehicle is in the shop for more than a day for repairs resulting from an insurance claim, Many policies with this coverage will pay $15 or more per day for usually up to 30 days, or some maximum value to rent a car while you wait for repairs. Higher limits are available.Full GlassIn many states, there is no deductible on windshields, because it's against state law to drive with a damaged windshield. But for the rest of your windows, you still have to pay your comprehensive deductible before they'll pay for any broken glass. You can pay more for Full Glass coverage to eliminate any deductibles for broken glass. Some companies give you full glass at no extra charge as a selling feature.Medical CoverageCovers medical expenses from your crash injuries and covered persons in your car, no matter who was at fault.No-Fault, Personal Injury Protection (PIP)In most no-fault states, PIP covers medical and rehab, work loss, funerals, and other expenses incurred by you, your family, passengers in your vehicle, and pedestrians injured by your vehicle. Not every state has this coverage, and it pays for damages regardless of who is at fault in the accident. That's why they call it no-fault.Liability CoverageSimilar to Bodily Injury coverage. Liability covers only the damage caused by you to someone's property, car, fence, lawn, telephone pole, house, etc. When you are at fault in a wreck, this coverage is invoked when the other driver makes a claim against your insurance to repair their car.TowingIf your car breaks down, this coverage will pay for a tow truck or roadside assistance to get your car going again. This usually pays about $50-$75.Underinsured or Uninsured MotoristOne of my personal favorites. I think EVERYONE should have this coverage, because it protects us from all the loser morons out there who refuse to insure their cars. Here in Florida, uninsured drivers is worse than a problem, it's a plague. I know so many people who got burnt royally because of uninsured drivers. In Florida you have to show proof of insurance to renew your tags. But many people just take out a policy, send in proof to the state, then let the policy lapse after a month, and then the policy gets canceled. If I was king, the insurance companies would notify the state, who would then send a tow truck to impound these losers' cars, and they don't get them back until they renew the auto insurance, and pay the towing fees on top of that. Underinsured Motorist pays for your injuries up to the policy limit when the other driver either has no insurance, or their lame coverage can't pay for you injuries or property damage. This coverage usually includes hit and run drivers as well.
法律规定:无保险上路是违法的。英语口语中第三保是:Liability,全保含Loss and Damage,叫 Full Coverage,保费的英语是 Premium,保费一般含税。保险公司称Insurer,被保人称Insured.索赔(Claim):保险客户要求保险公司按保单支付赔偿。 碰撞赔偿(Collision):这包括保险客户的汽车任何碰撞造成的毁坏。包括与其他车辆、灯柱、栏杆及车库墙的碰撞等等。 综合险(Comprehensive):这只针对保险客户损坏的汽车,不包括其它的汽车。包括火灾、偷盗、坠物、导弹、爆炸、 地震、洪水、暴乱及民众骚乱。自负额(Deductible):在车祸中,你同意自己支付部分费用。在车祸中,如果是你的过失,那将是高自负额低赔偿金。 保险批单(Endorsements):原保险合同的替换样本。 特别保险(Extraordinary):医疗保险有时候包括个人伤害保护保险,如果你在车祸中受伤,需要一系列或长时间的治疗,此保险能保证你获得医疗赔偿金。全保(Full Coverage):此保险指出根据你的居住状况,有最低限度的保险额度。这并不意味着保险公司总会支付赔偿金。 收入损失险(Income Loss Coverage):有时候,作为个人伤害保护保险的一部分,如果你因为车祸不能工作,收入损失险会赔偿你的收入损失。 损失赔偿(Indemnity):损失保险的预付数额。 限额(Limits):保险公司对你的损失赔偿的最高金额。在许多情况下,保险公司还有最低限额。 医疗保险(Medical Payments)或个人伤害保护保险(PIP):包括投保人汽车里的司机和乘客医疗费用。更广一点说,PIP包括车祸中受伤人员丢失包裹的损失。也可以扩展到,投保人被其他的车辆撞伤,或走路时被汽车撞伤。 无过失保险(No-Fault Insurance):为了投保人能收到赔偿,无过失保险通常不要求指明是谁的过失。在无过失情况下, 要求保险公司有这种保险。 财产损失保险(Property Damage Liability):支付投保人对他人财产造成的损失。 SR-22:在交通违章事件中提供经济责任证据的文件。 损失赔偿(Tort):是一法律条款,此条款指出某人对受伤人员或他人财产负法律责任。
无保险车辆(UNINSURED AUTOMOBILE):保障受保人在受到未买保险或肇事后逃跑的司机所伤害,甚至导致死亡时而得到赔偿。如你的汽车及财务因不明身份或无保险的司机的过失而遭受损失,可得到赔偿。 财务受损直接赔偿(DIRECT COMPENSATION OF PROPERTY DAMAGE): 这项保险保障受保人的汽车及车内财务因为其他司机的过失而受损时可以直接得到你自己的保险公司的赔偿。 Accident Benifits (意外津贴) 这两条是法律强制的。每辆上公路的车必须买。保护范围是:1,司机的受伤或死亡;2,车上乘客的受伤或死亡;3,动用你的车子的一部分的人的受伤或死亡; 4,被你的车伤害的行人的受伤或死亡。如果受保人因为意外而丧失了工作能力,可以申请原来薪金八成的津贴,限额为每星期$400或可以购买更高的赔偿。单保:(适用于二手旧车或价值比较低的车,比如几千块钱以下) Section A: Third Party Liability 叫第三方责任保险,在加拿大,法律规定最低为$200,000/每辆车。但一般大家都选择 $500,000 或 $1,000,000/每辆车。保护范围是由司机开车给其他人或事物所造成的一切损失,保险公司为投保人所承担的责任上限。保额越高,保费越高。与车无 关。Section B: Accident Benifits 叫意外津贴,保护范围是:1,司机的受伤或死亡;2,车上乘客的受伤或死亡;3,动用你的车子的一部分的人的受伤或死亡; 4,被你的车伤害的行人的受伤或死亡。如果受保人因为意外而丧失了工作能力,可以申请原来薪金八成的津贴,限额为每星期$400或可以购买更高的赔偿。这个保护范围不管是谁的错误。这个条款对保费没有影响。 Section A +B:这两条是法律强制的。每辆上公路的车必须买。SEF 44 Family Protection Endorsement 家庭保障,意思是如果发生车祸,是对方的责任,而对方的保额又不能满足你的索赔要求时,这项保险将会填补不足之数。这个条款虽然不是强制的,但是在99.9%的保单上,都会附上这个备忘录。$20-40/年左右。 这就是单保的全部内容。全保的内容为:Section A + Section B + Section C + Endorsements C1:All Perils, 意思是所有的风险。保险公司要赔偿任何情况下你的车所受到的损失。赔偿额是:实际的损失-保单可扣减的部分(Deductible,俗称垫底费)。垫底费越高,保费越便宜。C2:Collision & Upset, 意思是由于自己的过失而造成的撞车和翻车而对自己的车的损坏,保险公司所作的赔偿。赔偿额的计算和对保费的影响同 C1。 C3:Comprehensive, 意思是对除了撞车和翻车以外的其它的原因对自己的车的损失的赔偿。大多数属于没有肇事方的天灾人祸,例如,火灾,雷电,偷盗,蓄意破坏,风暴和冰雹,暴 乱,搁浅,烟熏,和动物相撞... ...。赔偿额的计算和对保费的影响同 C1。但是如果是由于火灾,雷电和偷盗而引起的车的完全的损失,则垫底费不再起作用,也就是说保险公司要赔偿全部的损失。C4:Special Perils, 意思是特殊的风险,由保险公司和顾客商定的只对某些特定的风险进行保护。赔偿额的计算和对保费的影响同 C1。这个选择很少被人选用。
大家的保单中最常见的是 C2 和 C3。 SEF44--Family Protection Endorsement, 这个Endorsement的意思是,如果你和第三方车辆发生交通事故,第三方负全部责任,你想他提出索赔,例如50万,而它的保单里第三方责任只有20 万,那么它的保险公司只能替他想你赔偿最高20万。而你仍需要30万才能得到完全的补偿,这个时候,你自己的保险公司可以根据这个 Endorsement 替那个第三方向你补偿剩下的余额。 SEF20--Loss of Use, 这个Endorsement的意思是,如果你的车被偷,或是在车祸中被损坏了,在得到新车以前,想租一辆车作日常用,不超过30天,而又想让保险公司付租车费,就需要加上这个 Endorsement。租车保险(LOSS OF USE ENDORSEMENT)受保人的汽车因意外受损而要修理时,期间受保人可以租车代步。此项保险不单包括租车,亦可以包括搭乘的士或公共交通工具的费用。每年保费大约几十元。 折旧保险(LIMITED WAIVER OF DEPRECIATION ENDORSEMENT) 只有新车才可以购买这种保险。它保障新车在两年内,假如因为意外而全车尽毁或车辆被盗窃,保险公司会以新车价格赔偿给你。如果不买的话,你只会获得折旧的价格赔偿。*因投保范围不同,全保比第三保贵30%~40%.一般来说保险合同为一年,从签订之日起保365天,例如2005年5月21日凌晨零点1分生效的保单,到2006年的5月21日截止,保12个月。 如果怕丢车,可以仅购买三保Liability加防盗(Theft Protection and Fire).多几十加元一年.自己没有过错的事故,下一年度不涨保费.自己有责任的事故,下一年度涨保费,事故记录保留六年,大事故小事故,100%责任或是50%责任的事故都算作一次事故.警察给的TICKET(交通告票)影响保费,告票记录保留三年.非警察给的停车罚单不算”交通告票”.
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