加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车加国汽车保险简介-第一章 汽车保险和法规 中英文对照
写在正文之前 看到很多筒子到了加国,面对本身就很复杂的保险市场和条款,在加之全英文的环境,往往无所是从,难以很好理解。作为车险从业人员,偶虽然身处国内,但一直工作在英文的保险工作环境之中,故很想尽己之力,帮助家园的筒子们来了解加国的汽车保险。需要说明的是,到目前为止,偶从未在加国生活过,获得的所有信息均来源于加拿大保险局(Insurance Bureau of Canada)的官方网站。偶所作的一切只是帮助哪些想了解加拿大的汽车保险而英文又不太好,或不十分了解专业用语无法与国内的汽车保险经历进行客观比较的筒子。 所以,偶仅是凭借个人对专业的理解进行的翻译,任何凭借本文和后续文章购买保险及发生法律纠纷所造成的一切损失,本人在此严重声明不负任何责任。本文仅供参考,英文原文请至加拿大保险局的官方网站进行查询。 谢绝转载,仅是偶对家园的小小返还! Auto insurance and the law [FONT=宋体]汽车保险及法规[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]Laws everywhere in Canada require all owners of automobiles that are driven on public roads to obtain certain basic coverages. In British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, you can't obtain your vehicle registration unless you purchase the necessary basic insurance at the same time.[FONT=宋体]在加拿大,无处不在的法律都要求车主在开车上路时拥有一份基本的保障。在[/FONT]British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba[FONT=宋体],在购买必须的基本保险之前,你的车辆得不到允许注册的。[/FONT]Uninsured motorist 未保驾驶员 Insurance certificate 保险凭证 Minimum compulsory insurance coverage 最低强制保险保障范围 Lawsuits 法律诉讼 Uninsured motorist [FONT=宋体]未保驾驶员[/FONT]The law requires you to pay for any damages for which you are held legally responsible in an accident. If you are not insured and cannot pay, the person who made the claim against you is reimbursed from special funds administered by the government or from the uninsured automobile coverage of the claimant's policy. Your driver's licence may then be suspended until you arrange to repay the amount paid on your behalf. You will also be charged by the police for failing to have insurance. You may be severely fined.[FONT=宋体]如果你在一场事故中负有法律责任,那么法律会要求你赔付你造成的损失。假如你没有保险同时又没钱赔偿,那么索赔人会从政府管理的一个专门的基金中得到赔偿,这个基金是由索赔人的保险单中的未保汽车保障的保费所构成的。你的驾照将会被暂停使用,直到你自己能还清所有的赔款。同时,你还会因为没买保险而被警方处以严厉的罚款。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]Insurance certificate [FONT=宋体]保险凭证[/FONT]When you buy car insurance, you receive a Canadian Inter-Province Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance Card (known as your insurance "pink card"). It is honoured as proof of insurance anywhere in Canada. You should keep this with you at all times and produce it when requested by a police officer. Because car theft is always a risk, don't leave your insurance card in your vehicle. [FONT=宋体][/FONT][FONT=宋体]当你购买保险时,你会收到一张“加拿大省际机动车辆责任保险卡”(就是你的保险“粉色卡”)。在加拿大任何地方,它都是你的有效的保险证明。你必须随身携带,并在警察检查是出示它。因为汽车被盗的风险永远是存在的,万不可将你的保险卡留在车里。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]Minimum compulsory insurance coverage [FONT=宋体]最低强制保险保障范围[/FONT]In British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, the government insurer provides the basic/required minimum auto insurance policy and private and government insurers both sell enhancements or “top-ups” to the basic policy. In Quebec, injury claims are covered under a government compensation scheme; automobile and property damage claims in Quebec, and bodily injury claims arising from accidents outside Quebec, are covered by private insurers. In the provinces and territories that are served by private-sector insurance companies, all automobile insurance policies contain standard terms and conditions. Each provincial or territorial government, however, sets its own minimum limits for the amount of liability coverage that drivers must buy and its own standards.[FONT=宋体][/FONT][FONT=宋体]在[/FONT]British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba[FONT=宋体],政府承保人提供最低的基本[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]强制汽车保险,商业承保人和政府承保人都提供在此基础上的更广保障范围。在[/FONT]Quebec[FONT=宋体],有关人身伤害的理赔也被政府的一项团体赔偿方案所涵盖。在[/FONT]Quebec[FONT=宋体]发生的车辆和财产损失的理赔,在[/FONT]Quebec[FONT=宋体]以外发生的人身伤害的理赔,都是由商业保险公司提供服务。在各省和地区,所有商业保险公司提供的汽车保险单都含有标准的承保条款和条件。但是,不同的省和地区政府会设置不同的汽车责任险的最低限额要求和各自的标准。[/FONT]Car insurance coverages and policy conditions are legislated by the government in each province and territory. However, there are numerous choices of limits, deductibles and optional coverages available, so coverage can vary between individual insured persons. Although there are differences in rules and coverages among provinces, the basic principles remain the same. There are also agreements between governments that can affect your coverage.[FONT=宋体][/FONT][FONT=宋体]在每个省和地区,汽车保险的保障范围和保单条款都受到法规的管束。但是,仍然存在着数不清的限额、免赔额和可选保障,所以个人被保险人之间的保障范围会有所不同。尽管在各省之间存在着不同的法规和保障要求,但基本原则是相同的。同时,省和省之间的协议会影响你的保障范围。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]In those provinces where government insurers provide the basic compulsory coverages, insured persons do not receive a printed policy; the vehicle registration itself is evidence of insurance. There are publications available, however, that outline coverages. If additional optional coverages are purchased from private non-government insurers, an extension policy will be issued.[FONT=宋体]在有些省,政府承保人提供基本强制保险时,未给被保险人提供打印的保险单;那么车辆行驶证本身就是一个保险的证明。在行驶证上有印刷好的保障范围的概要。假如还需要可选保障,那么可以从商业保险公司进行购买,并获得一份有扩展条款的保险单。[/FONT]Lawsuits[FONT=宋体]法律诉讼[/FONT] If your economic loss exceeds the no-fault accident benefits of your policy, you may be able to sue the person responsible for the accident. This will depend on where the accident happened; lawsuits are permitted everywhere except Manitoba and Quebec. In Saskatchewan, you may recover only with respect to gross income losses that exceed a specified amount. In Ontario, your ability to sue for loss of income is subject to conditions: you can sue for medical, rehabilitation and related costs only when injury is very serious (catastrophic, as defined by law).[FONT=宋体]如果你的经济损失超过了你拥有的保单的无责赔付的限额,你可以起诉造成事故的责任人。这将取决于事故发生的地点,因为在[/FONT]Manitoba [FONT=宋体]和[/FONT] Quebec[FONT=宋体],这种起诉是不被接受的,其它省都可以。在[/FONT]Saskatchewan[FONT=宋体],你可能仅获得超过一个特别约定的数目部分的赔偿。在[/FONT]Ontario[FONT=宋体],你所能起诉的损失金额取决于:你仅能主张医疗、恢复及相关费用,而且还只是在法律所定义的巨灾发生时所造成的伤害。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]You can sue for pain and suffering except in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec, where such lawsuits are not permitted. Ontario allows suits only if the injured person "dies, or sustains permanent serious disfigurement and/or impairment of important physical, mental or psychological function" (the court assesses damages and a deductible applies).[FONT=宋体]在[/FONT]Saskatchewan, Manitoba [FONT=宋体]和[/FONT] Quebec[FONT=宋体]之外,你可以要求精神损失赔偿。在[/FONT]Ontario[FONT=宋体],你可以因为受到如下伤害时提起诉讼,“死亡,永久伤残,和[/FONT]/[FONT=宋体]或严重的身体、精神或心理功能损伤”。法院将评估损伤程度和适用免赔额。[/FONT]
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If I do nothing, nothing will go wrong. 超赞 赏 M maplehello 0$(VIP 0) 302006-03-09#8 好
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