加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车接近路口有双黄线,能过对面的加油站吗?
艰难大,总是收吃福利的难民?双黄线是实线,能过对面的油站或其他路口吗?不能得话,可以在路口掉头吗?点击展开... 不可以,双黄线实线就表示墙,不能穿过双黄实线。加拿大禁止路口掉头。
回复: 接近路口有双黄线,能过对面的加油站吗?自己想办法怎么去,开车别一根筋。
Eat well, don't smoke, and a fuck was equal to a five-mile walk-----Elizabeth Jane Howard 超赞 赏 lamborghini 0$(VIP 0) 1,5692013-02-20#4 回复: 接近路口有双黄线,能过对面的加油站吗?楼上两位老大给的答案相差太远了吧,感觉又回到了中国上有政策下有对策。
回复: 接近路口有双黄线,能过对面的加油站吗?1,不行,双实线不可以过2,可以,除非路口有明确的禁止掉头标志
回复: 接近路口有双黄线,能过对面的加油站吗?楼上两位老大给的答案相差太远了吧,感觉又回到了中国上有政策下有对策。点击展开...按BC省交规是不行的跨越双黄线左拐只有2条件都满足才可以1. 不能阻碍后面的车流,也就是说,你对面没车过来,直接可以左拐,无需停下等待,不必妨碍身后其他车行驶2. 拐入的不可以是公共设施和商业设施,只可以是自己的家或者居民物业实际上,乱来的人很多,尤其车流多的时候,这么做是比较没公德心的
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 B Bugbus 0$(VIP 0) 2,1022013-02-21#8 回复: 接近路口有双黄线,能过对面的加油站吗?我在安省。驾校讲课时说,双黄单黄没什么实质性区别(在中国是一堵不可逾越的墙),在这儿,双黄是可以左转的另外,安省的规则是,路口无禁止U Turn 牌的都可以调头。 我倒是有另外一个问题:不在路口,安全时可以U Turn吗?
回复: 接近路口有双黄线,能过对面的加油站吗?我在安省。驾校讲课时说,双黄单黄没什么实质性区别(在中国是一堵不可逾越的墙),在这儿,双黄是可以左转的另外,安省的规则是,路口无禁止U Turn 牌的都可以调头。 我倒是有另外一个问题:不在路口,安全时可以U Turn吗?点击展开...绝对不可以,不然马路就叫停车场得了。
回复: 接近路口有双黄线,能过对面的加油站吗?绝对不可以,不然马路就叫停车场得了。点击展开...谢了
Bugbus 说:回复: 接近路口有双黄线,能过对面的加油站吗?我在安省。驾校讲课时说,双黄单黄没什么实质性区别(在中国是一堵不可逾越的墙),在这儿,双黄是可以左转的另外,安省的规则是,路口无禁止U Turn 牌的都可以调头。我倒是有另外一个问题:不在路口,安全时可以U Turn吗?点击展开...我在魁省,听说过一个这样的规则,但一直不敢确定:单双黄线,路上可以穿过左转进入加油站或者停车场之类; 但是如果是从加油站或者停车场出来,不可以左转穿过黄线,而应右转.不知道是否准确,请高手赐教?
加拿大雁 说:我在魁省,听说过一个这样的规则,但一直不敢确定:单双黄线,路上可以穿过左转进入加油站或者停车场之类;但是如果是从加油站或者停车场出来,不可以左转穿过黄线,而应右转.不知道是否准确,请高手赐教?点击展开...各省对于黄线的规定是不一样的,还是查查自己省的官网比较靠谱'
大多数同胞逻辑不是一般的差,与其讲道理完全提不起兴趣,只能无视 超赞 赏 O o2o2o2o2 0$(VIP 0) 1,9932014-11-03#13 In Australia and Canada, a double yellow line in the centre of the road means that it is unsafe for traffic travelling in either direction to pass. It is usually found on rolling hills or through corners where visibility is limited.In the province of British Columbia, it is against the law to touch or cross solid double yellow line at any time, even to avoid obstructions on the highway.[8] The only exception to this is when a vehicle is entering or exiting the highway, given a vehicle can safely do so without affecting the flow of other vehicles.[9]Highway lines 1551) Despite anything in this Part, if a highway is marked with (a) a solid double line, the driver of a vehicle must drive it to the right of the line only, (b) a double line consisting of a broken line and a solid line, (i) the driver of a vehicle proceeding along the highway on the side of the broken line must drive the vehicle to the right of the double line, except when passing an overtaken vehicle, and (ii) the driver of a vehicle proceeding along the highway on the side of the solid line must drive the vehicle to the right of the double line, except only when finishing the passing of an overtaken vehicle, and (c) one single line, broken or solid, the driver of a vehicle must drive the vehicle to the right of the line, except only when passing an overtaken vehicle.(2) Subsection (1) (b) (i) and (c) do not apply if a driver is avoiding an obstruction on the highway and first ascertains that the movement can be made with safety and without affecting the travel of any other vehicle.
You can pass on both a single or a double yellow line in Ontario. The Ontario Traffic Manual sets the guidelines for when a single or double yellow line are to be used. Basically a double yellow is used when it is likely to be unsafe to pass, such as going around a blind curve. Single yellow lines are where it also may be unsafe, such as approaching an intersection or on parts of a 2-lane road, etc. They're guidelines only, basically telling you that it might be unsafe to pass in that area. What's really important are sections 148 and 149 of the Highway Traffic Act. 148 deals with overtaking and passing rules. Here's the important part of that: Quote:Passing vehicle going in same direction (8 ) No person in charge of a vehicle shall pass or attempt to pass another vehicle going in the same direction on a highway unless the roadway, (a) in front of and to the left of the vehicle to be passed is safely free from approaching traffic; and (b) to the left of the vehicle passing or attempting to pass is safely free from overtaking traffic.And section 149...Quote:Driving to left of centre prohibited under certain conditions - 149. (1) No vehicle shall be driven or operated to the left of the centre of a roadway designed for one or more lines of traffic in each direction, (a) when approaching the crest of a grade or upon a curve in the roadway or within 30 metres of a bridge, viaduct or tunnel where the driver’s view is obstructed within that distance so as to create a potential hazard in the event another vehicle might approach from the opposite direction; or (b) when approaching within 30 metres of a level railway crossing. Exception (2) Subsection (1) does not apply, (a) on a highway divided into clearly marked lanes where there are more such lanes for traffic in one direction than in the other direction; (b) to a road service vehicle where precautions are taken to eliminate the hazard; or (c) on a highway while it is designated for the use of one-way traffic.Nothing about single or double lines. Section 150 deals with passing on the right. As long as you haven't broken one of the above rules, and you pass in safety, you're okay to pass on a single OR double yellow line.
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