加拿大华人论坛 加拿大汽车加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?如题。回答者一律加分!点击展开...可以。
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?应该可以,说实话,我是冲着加分来的,哈哈
税务会计,注册理财顾问,独立保险经纪。 超赞 赏 反馈:Holmes T toquebec 0$(VIP 0) 1,6032009-12-17#4 回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?通行美国,回答完毕,等待分数
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?加拿大驾照,中国驾照都能在美国用~
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?已全部加分。忘记少写几个字了:加拿大驾照能在美国用多长时间呢?加拿大车牌的汽车能在美国开多长时间呢?回答者继续一律加分!先口头感谢!!
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?Yes, a full Canadian license that is current is valid in the US. You may drive with your Canadian license within the borders of the United States due to reciprocal agreements thee USA and Canada have with each other in regards to driver's licenses.If you plan on staying in the United States for a lengthy period of time you should check with the State in which you plan to remain in to make certain that your license will be valid to drive on for the entirety of your trip. If you become a resident instead of a visitor to the United States then the state in which you reside will normally require you to exchange your Canadian license for a State license.
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?Yes, a full Canadian license that is current is valid in the US. You may drive with your Canadian license within the borders of the United States due to reciprocal agreements thee USA and Canada have with each other in regards to driver's licenses. If you plan on staying in the United States for a lengthy period of time you should check with the State in which you plan to remain in to make certain that your license will be valid to drive on for the entirety of your trip. If you become a resident instead of a visitor to the United States then the state in which you reside will normally require you to exchange your Canadian license for a State license.点击展开...
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?行!
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回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?up
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?学习学习。虚心一下
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?已加分给各位!
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?我也同问,G2驾照能不能在美国用啊
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?我也同问,G2驾照能不能在美国用啊点击展开... 加分分吗?
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?Yes, a full Canadian license that is current is valid in the US. You may drive with your Canadian license within the borders of the United States due to reciprocal agreements thee USA and Canada have with each other in regards to driver's licenses.If you plan on staying in the United States for a lengthy period of time you should check with the State in which you plan to remain in to make certain that your license will be valid to drive on for the entirety of your trip. If you become a resident instead of a visitor to the United States then the state in which you reside will normally require you to exchange your Canadian license for a State license.点击展开...美国学生签证持加拿大G2驾照可以在美国开车吗?
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?实用帖帮顶!
大雪纷飞的阳春三月再次穿越加拿大,蒙特利尔到温哥华5000公里行程分享 :https://forum.iask.ca/threads/898846金秋9月横穿加拿大探秘育空之旅,23天11000公里西游记:https://forum.iask.ca/threads/894633新移民可在短期内申请到的魁北克现金福利一览: http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=454714蒙城搬家后需要通知的相关部门统计:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=608773欢迎关注“老白行走加拿大”抖音、Bilibili和Youtube账号,收看老白原创的更多精彩视频。老白微信号/今日头条号:蒙特利尔老白,祝朋友们平安、健康!Yes, a full Canadian license that is current is valid in the US. You may drive with your Canadian license within the borders of the United States due to reciprocal agreements thee USA and Canada have with each other in regards to driver's licenses. If you plan on staying in the United States for a lengthy period of time you should check with the State in which you plan to remain in to make certain that your license will be valid to drive on for the entirety of your trip. If you become a resident instead of a visitor to the United States then the state in which you reside will normally require you to exchange your Canadian license for a State license.点击展开...和中国的驾照一样,只能临时用用。可以租车但不能买车。美国边境有几个州能长期用,但大多数州要重新考。
回复: 加拿大驾照能在美国用吗?和中国的驾照一样,只能临时用用。可以租车但不能买车。美国边境有几个州能长期用,但大多数州要重新考。点击展开...当然可以买车,只要有钱就行
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