加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息谈谈网上购物cash rebate


网上购物早已不是什么新鲜事,淘宝啦,EBAY啦,亚马逊啦,这些大名鼎鼎的网站为我们提供了一些捡便宜货的机会。别的不说,在亚马逊上买到的书可比在书店里买的价格便宜不少。在北美,网上购物不但方便,还有现金返还可拿,这可是在国内没有的好事。举个例子来说,透过某个代理网站再连到兰寇的网站购物,可以拿14%的现金返还;又或者连到SEARS的网站购物,可以拿4%的现金返还。因为你购买了商品,兰寇和SEARS等商户会付给代理网站佣金,然后代理网站再把其中的一部分返还给你作为奖励。刚开始接触这种新的网络购物方式,我也是半信半疑:“天下哪里有这等好事?一定有什么隐藏的猫腻。”幸好,经过了几次使用之后,实际的经历告诉我,用这种方式省钱是实在可行的。美国在这个领域已经很先进了,微软公司新的搜索引擎BING也嵌入了这种功能。具体的网址是http://www.bing.com/cashback/如果想购买美国的商品,bing 是一个不错的选择。美国的CASH REBATE网站多入牛毛,优惠也五花八门。除了刚刚提到的BING,还有EBATES.COM;Mrrebates.com; Ecoupons.com;等等。这些都是一些代理网站,先注册它们的用户,然后再通过他们提供的连接进入商户购物,就可以得到2%-25%不等的现金回馈。 加拿大的CASH REBATE 网站就比较寒酸了,数得上号的只有mrrebate.com和greatcanadianrebates.ca. 好在加拿大主要的商户, 比如sears, canadian tire, home depot 等等,甚至Skype(我也在用), Vista Print (常常有免费的名片印刷,500张仅9块多的邮寄费) 都有加入,不过折扣普遍没有美国的高。举例来说吧,通过美国的cash rebate 网站到Wal-Mart 的网站购物有4%的折扣,而在加拿大Wal-Mart 网站购物则只有2%的折扣。感兴趣的筒子可以click 到http://www.GreatCanadianRebates.ca/register/122003/看看详细。这个是加拿大的比较好的cash rebate 网站,注册也是免费的。可以获得Cashback的不仅是一般购物,还包括订机票、租车等等,几百家商家。你可以上去查查,特别是当你的消费较大时,累计的Cashback可不少啊!同时也不会减少你的信用卡的Refund。反正是免费,何不试试呢?欢迎大家访问 http://dailysavings.webs.com内有增收节税的一些信息。

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate不知道信用卡的安全有没有保证?还有大宗货品的保修有没有不同?

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate美国有部分的网购的网站居然只能接受美国的信用卡...

不计其数的孩子走在学琴的道路上,千姿百态,蔚为壮观;然而,相当多的孩子还没有听到掌声却已经落幕…… 不知道信用卡的安全有没有保证?还有大宗货品的保修有没有不同?点击展开...同问

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate不知道信用卡的安全有没有保证?还有大宗货品的保修有没有不同?点击展开...对呀!还有邮寄过程中货物出现破损怎么处理?如果买美国的东西,算上邮寄费会不会比加拿大商店打折的时候贵呢?

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate留印

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate顶一个吧。建议有网购经验的筒子进来说说。几个子问题。1、物流怎么解决?2、质保的问题。3、加国的信用卡在美国网站上的通用性。

联邦技术-54新政-NOC 2147:寄出 2013-06-03, 妥收 2013-06-07, 扣费 2013-08-21, PER 2013-08-28, RBVO 2013-11-19(附带补料要求),补料寄出 2013-12-05,补料收到 2013-12-11……回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate在国内是网购达人。。。在这里还没网购过,还没摸清楚....不过在这里已经够清闲了,偶尔出去shopping下还是不错的。如果网购一直窝家里的话....后果不堪设想,哈哈哈哈

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate这是通过该连接到你想买东西的网站,象CANADAIAN TIRE, 应该是没问题,反正我没有遇到任何问题。不知道信用卡的安全有没有保证?还有大宗货品的保修有没有不同?点击展开...

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate顶一个吧。建议有网购经验的筒子进来说说。几个子问题。1、物流怎么解决?2、质保的问题。3、加国的信用卡在美国网站上的通用性。点击展开...1、是商家直接寄的2、可以打电话与商家联系3、没发现加拿大的信用卡不能在美国用的情况。不能用可能跟你的信用卡公司有关。

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate担心信用卡的安全和产品保障。

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate踩一下

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate美国邮寄过来的东西还要抽税的。抽完税也和在这边买差不多了吧。

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate担心信用卡的安全和产品保障。点击展开...放心CanadianTire吗?它是其中一员。

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate美国邮寄过来的东西还要抽税的。抽完税也和在这边买差不多了吧。点击展开...美国的一般寄给朋友,让带过来。温哥华离MG很近。本篇说的是加拿大的。

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate美国邮寄过来的东西还要抽税的。 抽完税也和在这边买差不多了吧。点击展开...我买过200多的吸尘器,美国寄过来,没有打税

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate这一周CanadianTire 回扣3.5%。下面是关于该连锁店的信息(http://www.greatcanadianrebates.ca/details/CanadianTire.ca/ )。不看不知道哇:Canadian Tire has been one of the most popular retail chains with Canadian shoppers ever since brothers William and Alfred Billes opened the doors of its first outlet in Toronto, in 1922. The company has grown in leaps and bounds over the years and now also boasts the country’s largest network of independent gas stations along with its own bank.The retail chain has become one of Canada’s most shopped at stores because of the wide variety of products it sells. This includes automotive parts, accessories, and service, sporting and camping goods, clothing, tools, power tools, hardware, home, patio, and garden products, and electronic devices. The beauty of Canadian Tire is that you can buy just about anything you need there all under the same roof, from barbecues to hockey sticks.The financial department also offers various insurance and warranty products, credit cards, personal loans, lines of credit, and different payment options, along with emergency roadside service. The company’s petroleum division also operates several car washes along with its gas pumps.As an extra shopping incentive, the company also started to award its customers with Canadian Tire money in the late 1950s. The more money you spent at the store meant the more Canadian Tire money you would receive in exchange. This money can then be used against future purchases at any of the outlets. The money became so popular across the country that many local watering holes took it at par with the Canadian dollar on certain nights of the week.Each Canadian Tire stores is operated by an associate dealer who owns all of the merchandise inside, but leases the land and building from the corporation.The company still has its headquarters in Toronto, and has also expanded its network, as Canadian Tire now also owns the Mark’s Work Wearhouse and Part Source chain of stores. The Canadian Tire organization employs about 48,000 people across the nation and has more than 455 stores to meet its customer’s shopping needs.

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebateAmericanExpress给40元现金。不过是每花10元才给1Mile。 Rebate: $40.00 Shop: Apply for the American Express AIR MILES Platinum Credit Card Share: html .fb_share_link { padding:0px 0 0 20px; height:16px; background:url(http://static.ak.facebook.com/images/share/facebook_share_icon.gif?12:26981) no-repeat top left; } If you’re going to be using your credit card while shopping, you may as well be earning something in return. One of the best deals out there for Canadian shoppers is to use the American Express Platinum Air Miles credit card. This card allows shoppers to earn points on purchases which can be redeemed for great savings on over 800 different types of rewards. The American Express Platinum Air Miles card is a fantastic deal for Canadians who love to shop as you can earn one reward mile for each $10 of purchases. You can shop at any of the participating Air Miles sponsors at over 9,600 locations across Canada. You can even earn more reward miles when you shop at over 100 other sponsors. You can also get free supplement credit cards so you can earn your miles quicker.

回复: 谈谈网上购物cash rebate如果常去Shoppers(BC)或Parmaprix(QC),(其它地区叫什么名字?),这个卡不错,同时还有该店Optimum的积分。我现在终于攒到75,000分,可以花150大洋了。 Rebate: $40.00 Conditions: Cash Back Rebate is earned upon the first purchase made on your MBNA card. Shop: Pharmaprix MasterCard Share: html .fb_share_link { padding:0px 0 0 20px; height:16px; background:url(http://static.ak.facebook.com/images/share/facebook_share_icon.gif?12:26981) no-repeat top left; } Earn 25 pointsii for every $1 in purchases at Pharmaprix using your Pharmaprix Optimum MasterCard when you show your Pharmaprix Optimum Card. Plus 1.99% Introductory Annual Interest Rate on Cheque Cash Advances and Balance Transfers for 6 months, with no annual fee.

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