加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息ZT: IWASA Canadian Border Agent. Here's how to pass


I worked for the Canadian Border Services Agency from 2005 to 2008, just in time for the passport requirement to be added. I have spoken to thousands and thousands of drivers going back to Canada. While I cannot vouch for the US borders agents, I know they follow a similar procedure. Here are the top tips to pass the border easily.1) (Most important) DO NOT USE SUNGLASSES It's the number one mistake by FAR you can make. We are trained to watch people's eyes. We are trained to detect liars (where the eyes look, etc). People who have sunglasses on are on the top of our list and have significantly more chances to have their cars inspected.2) DO NOT CHEW GUM. This can reveal pretty much about you. You might be drunk and trying to hide. You might be nervous and chew it to calme your nerves. Like the first point, it's also a lack of respect for the officer talking to you. Take off your hat.3) ANSWER QUICKLY. Focus on what I say completely. Any pause before you reply indicate you might be making everything up. True story:ME: Where did you goGUY: Hehhhh.... Las Vegas? I think?ME: How long did you stay there.GUY: Until I ran out of money, HAHA!ME: Do you have anything to declare?GUY: Sure.ME: Well, what?ME: I had a lot of fun.ME: Step out of the car, please.4) ALWAYS declare something ALWAYS. Even if you bought absolutely nothing, stop at a liquor shop and buy something. I don't believe you did not buy anything at all while there.5) There are many tactics to bring back home more than allowed. You might want not to declare it. Hide alcohol in water bottles (I've seen that too). Here is the best tactic when you carry, let's say, a bit more than you are allowed:`-If you have much more than allowed, ship it to yourself back home. Write a small letter saying you are the uncle and giving it for birthday. -If you bought clothes - that's easy, just wear them a day or too. -If you are slightly above limit - DECLARE EVERYTHING. You had the right to buy 2 bottles and bought 3? Theorically, you are supposed to pay taxes on them (that's it, by the way). However, the form is so complex, it takes so much time to look for it, fill it and have it approved that 95% of the time, I will let you go. Seriously. -If you ever get caught with one little item that you did not declare (this mostly apply by plane by the way), you will be put on the black list and your luggage will get inspected for every flight you take.6)Address me as "Sir/Madam," or "officer". Answer questions directly. True story again:ME: " Did you buy anything at plattsburgh"Correct answer: Yes. Guy (wrong answer): Well of course I bought food, buy I ate it there. I might still have the package though, I hope you won't go searching in all my car for it!This isn't clear, makes you look like a liar, and arise suspicion.7) The number one thing you should do is make it clear you aren't drunk or intoxicated. Every day I would get people trying to pass the borders completely drunk. What do you think would happen? I had one admit he drank alcohol before coming, saying that "Well, passing borders make me nervous".8) Try to pass the borders with a car we can easily track - preferably one registered to your name. Yes, I know you could be driving your wife's car, but not every border agent will act so nicely, even if she is in the car. Maybe she's a woman looking like your wife. I can't know.9)If terrorists want to pass weapons and drugs at the borders, they will use a family of four. A family of four is perfect. Two adults, two children who are going to vacations in WildWood or Disney Land or Virginia Beach. If all four of them have valid passport and no hold there is no way in hell they are getting searched, no matter what.10) If things go badly, ask for an attorney immediately. Let me explain why. Say you are taken in for questionning. You answer basic questions and suddenly you ask for an attorney. The interviewer will look at the question and wonder WHY you asked for an attorney on this particular question. "What's your name..." "XXX" "Why are you going to New York?" "I WANT MY ATTORNEY". Know your rights, and express them quickly.11)Despite most people's conceptions, I cannot take a random traveler and perform an anal search. There are three reasons for that. First, anal searches aren't particularly fun to do; second, despite what you think, our intention is not to humiliate you. Third, you can complain pretty easily, sue the agency; if nothing was found on you - nothing at ALL - it looks VERY bad for me, and for our agency. We don't like bad PR. To perform a complete search we need some serious proofs.12) It is true you can probably carry weed and not get caught, but I wouldn't risk it. Similarly, act confident, look at me in the eyes, smile (but not excessively, not "trollface" like ;)) and put your hands on the wheel. I am as nervous as you. We don't know who you are, and if you are going to attack me.13) Prepare the basic questions before. Roll down your windows completely. I like to see what's happening inside the car. Which makes me think: don't try to cross the borders with a stolen vehicule (true story).14) I have access to more data on you than you'd be comfortable sharing with a stranger. That's a fact. Know it.15) Keep your car clean. I love clean car. No weapons hidden under anything. Shows you are responsible, too. Try to carry some form of ID showing you indeed work for someone (if you do) or are a student. We love IDs.**16) There are three reasons why we might ask you to step out of the car:`-Randomness. We choose a few travellers every hour for some more random questions. Usually, it's because of profiling, or some random algorithm. You passed at the wrong hour. You had the wrong border agent. Etc.-We did not like something we saw on your file. It can be anything from "I lost a child, divorced, quit my job, am prosecuted for a million dollar and suddenly decides to go to New York for three days" to "I was accused of something in 1955". The most little thing can trigger an intervention.-We had some random description corresponding to you or your car. An anonymous source saying your car might be carrying drugs, bad answers from your part on some questions, etc.With these tips you should be able to pass any border without any trouble. Oh, don't try to bribe me by the way, especially after I ask you to step out of your car.There you go. If anything is missing ask me and merry christmas! AMA.EDIT Back after supper, will now answer more questions.

http://www.canadameet.com赞反馈:sandra22 2009-12-26#2 S 775 $0.00 回复: ZT: IWASA Canadian Border Agent. Here's how to pass US/CAN borders in a breeze. AMA.thanks

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回复: ZT: IWASA Canadian Border Agent. Here's how to pass US/CAN borders in a breeze. AMA.感觉不象真的OFFICER写的。NO OFFENSE。

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