加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息大家帮我看看这些都是什么?我只知道第二项是枫
CPR Level C Cert -photocopy okPermanent Resident -Permanent Resident CardResumeOfficial Post Secondary Trans Out Of Country - University
回复: 大家帮我看看这些都是什么?我只知道第二项是枫叶卡first one is first aid certificate level C for CPR administration you get that from St. Johns ambulance training the third one is university graduation diploma from outside Canada if you have one (official notarized translated into English)
回复: 大家帮我看看这些都是什么?我只知道第二项是枫叶卡first one is first aid certificate level C for CPR administration you get that from St. Johns ambulance training the third one is university graduation diploma from outside Canada if you have one (official notarized translated into English)点击展开...谢谢你的回复.不过,我好象没有第一个证明,这下麻烦了,我申请的专业有困难了.
回复: 大家帮我看看这些都是什么?我只知道第二项是枫叶卡谢谢你的回复.不过,我好象没有第一个证明,这下麻烦了,我申请的专业有困难了.点击展开...学这个很快的,救生员的课程都有这个。好像7小时的课程,7、80刀而已。
回复: 大家帮我看看这些都是什么?我只知道第二项是枫叶卡here u go this is the courses you needhttp://www.sja.ca/BCYukon/Training/CPRandAED/Pages/default2.aspxwhat job you are looking for need CPR lvl 3? health care occupation?
回复: 大家帮我看看这些都是什么?我只知道第二项是枫叶卡here u go this is the courses you need http://www.sja.ca/BCYukon/Training/CPRandAED/Pages/default2.aspx what job you are looking for need CPR lvl 3? health care occupation?点击展开...是呀,和医学有关的专业.给你加声望了,还有虎头妈妈,也谢谢你,也加了你声望.我还没决定是否要拿这个证明,我和学校联系一下,看是否是必须的.
回复: 大家帮我看看这些都是什么?我只知道第二项是枫叶卡我怎么觉得第三项是要大学成绩单呢?Trans=Transcript?
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