加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教成人高中这几门课都学啥内容?
不想选物理化学了,感觉浪费时间,想学点新东西,这几个专业哪位读过或了解?大致课堂和作业是什么内容?谢谢 ART FOUNDATIONS 11,12这个全是理论还是要画画之类的?TOURISM11,12MARKETING11,12谢谢
回复: 请教成人高中这几门课都学啥内容?狠狠地顶一下
回复: 请教成人高中这几门课都学啥内容?Art Foundations 11 and 12 arecomprehensive courses designed tofacilitate a broad range ofexperiences in 2-D and 3-D visual arts.Students will be engaged in creating andresponding a variety of 2-D and 3-D images.Art Foundations courses are designed toprovide a balanced program of study in bothtraditional and contemporary 2-D and 3-Dartforms, such as drawing, painting,ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, fabric,fibre, photography, film, video, design,digital imaging, and performance art.Art Foundations courses provideopportunities for students to develop theirtechnical skills in relation to perceiving,responding to, creating, and communicatingabout a wide variety of types of images. InArt Foundations 11 and 12, students developtheir visual literacy through opportunities to: develop images using a variety of media create personally meaningful images in avariety of 2-D and 3-D artforms develop a personal visual voice throughan exploration of their sense of selves asartists increase their level of sophistication,complexity, and independence as theyexplore a range of artforms and theirinterrelationships respond to images in a range of artforms develop critical-thinking skills as appliedto the work of self and others examine the role of art in past and presentsocieties document and evaluate their creativeprocesses and artworks explore a range of visual arts careers.
回复: 请教成人高中这几门课都学啥内容?ART FOUNDATIONS 11,12http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/va1112_afsa.pdfTOURISM11,12http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/tourism1112.pdfMARKETING11,12http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/be1112/mar11mp.htmhttp://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/be1112/mar12gm.htm
回复: 请教成人高中这几门课都学啥内容?谢谢楼上
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