加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问孩子独立后,怎样独立报税?



回复: 请问孩子独立后,怎样独立报税?不用申请,孩子自己报就是。一般孩子在大学期间也会收到相关T form, 如奖学金/grant等等,都是收入(假定18岁还在上大学期间)。第一次报的话,让孩子咨询学校。MSP不清楚。

回复: 请问孩子独立后,怎样独立报税?当孩子快满19岁时,MSP会寄一封信给家长,通知在满19岁那个月底,这个孩子就会从家庭账户中脱离,建立一个单独的账户,MSP保费最初全免。如果孩子满足一定条件,你也可以选择继续保留孩子在家庭账户中直到孩子满25岁那个月末,但如何办理,需要和MSP联系。这些条件包括孩子必须是全职学生,未婚或没有类似的婚姻关系,还有家长支付孩子的一些费用。原文见MSP网站:Removing DependentsIf you have a self-administered account, visit a Government Agent/B.C. Access Centre in your area or contact MSP directly - there is no form to complete. MSP needs to know the person's name, personal health number and the reason for your request. If the request is because of separation, divorce or a child leaving home, please provide the person's new address and, if applicable, the date he or she left the province.If you are enrolled under a group plan administered by an employer, union or pension office, you need to complete a Group Change Form (if you cannot download this form, please obtain one from your group plan administrator). Submit the completed form to your group plan administrator. In the case of divorce, the former spouse is no longer eligible for coverage as a dependent and must apply for separate coverage. Children are no longer eligible for coverage as dependents when they: marry or live together in a marriage-like relationship,start full-time employment,or turn 19 years of age. MSP will send a letter to the account holder as a child approaches age 19, advising that coverage as a dependent under that account will end on the last day of the month the child turns 19. MSP will provide continuous coverage for the child by setting up a new, self-administered account. Initially, a premium assistance subsidy of 100 per cent will be provided (if the residency requirements for premium assistance are met). The account holder has the option of continuing to cover the child, if the child is eligible, but will need to contact MSP with details. Dependent coverage can continue for children who are full-time students until the last day of the month in which they turn 25, provided they are not married or living in a marriage-like relationship, and are supported by the account holder.

回复: 请问孩子独立后,怎样独立报税?咋记得春节聚会时候你孩子应该还小啊,怎么会要独立报税了呢?

回复: 请问孩子独立后,怎样独立报税?帮朋友问一下,谢谢大家

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