加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息本月在downtown的各大精彩秀,期待!!!


Orange Helmet Awards 2010Apr 9 The BC Lions Orange Helmet Awards dinner is a marquee event on the BC Lions calendar, with proceeds supporting amateur football in the province of British Columbia.Spring Women’s/Wedding Show 2010Apr 10 - 11 For more information, please visit www.vancouverweddingshow.ca.International Cheerleading Competitions 2010Apr 10 - 11 For more information, please visit www.internationalcheeralliance.com.TOPS 2010Apr 14 For more information, please visit www.pppc.ca.12th Annual LifeSciences British Columbia AwardsApr 14 LifeSciences British Columbia is proud to be hosting our 12th Annual LifeSciences BC Awards Gala on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 to honour outstanding contributions made by members of British Columbia’s life sciences community. This event is the premier evening of the year for life sciences in British Columbia, and we’re delighted to have you join us in this year’s celebration.Pacific Dental Conference - 2010Apr 15 - 17 For more information, please visit www.pdconf.com/cms2010.AccolAIDS 2010Apr 18 The BC Persons With AIDS Society & ViiV Healthcare in partnership with Shire Canada present ACCOLAIDS 2010, a bi-annual awards gala honouring our heroes in the BC AIDS movement.Esthétique Spa International 2010Apr 18 - 19 Esthetique Spa International is the 10th edition of the session which will showcase latest products for beauty and cosmetic industry. The event will attract many visitors from different parts of the globe. For 2 days the trade show will be taking place at the Canada Place. Vancouver Playhouse International Wine FestivalApr 19 - 25 The wine world is here for Canada s premier wine show. The Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival is one of the biggest and oldest wine events in the world, offering something for every level of wine drinker, collector and trade professional. Buildex 2010Apr 21 - 22 BUILDEX Vancouver is one of Canada’s largest trade expositions and the largest event at the Vancouver Convention Centre, welcoming over twelve thousand Design, Construction and Real Estate Management professionals each year. Wood Solutions Fair 2010Apr 22 For more information, please visit www.cwc.ca.Grocery Showcase West 2010Apr 23 - 26 Grocery Showcase West is all about serious business. This is the only event in the West where independent grocery retailers can meet with food producers and suppliers from all across Canada. The largest show of its kind in western Canada, dedicated to serving the growing multi-billion dollar grocery industry. For more information, please visit www.cfig.ca/gsw.asp.Outdoor Adventure Show 2010Apr 24 - 25 For more information, please visit www.outdooradventureshow.ca.The National Franchise & Business Opportunities ShowApr 24 - 25 For more information, please visit www.franchiseshowinfo.com.Gala Celebration in honour of Dr. Phil SwitzerApr 25 In honour of Dr. Phil Switzer, the Canadian Friends of Hebrew University (CFHU), the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the Rick Hansen Foundation are inviting the Vancouver community to support spinal cord learning and research.BC Foodservice ExpoApr 25 - 26 An energized show at a fresh new venue - this is the restaurant and foodservice industry’s annual trade show.Vancouver Design Week 2010Apr 27 - 29 For more information, please visit www.designweekvancouver.caPacific Salmon Foundation Dinner & AuctionApr 28 PSF Dinners & Auctions provide great opportunities for salmon enthusiasts and stakeholders to show their support for BC’s Pacific salmon. Wellness Show 2010Apr 29 - May 2 For more information, please visit www.thewellnessshow.com.Pediatric Academic Societies’ 2010 Annual MeetingApr 30 - May 4 For more information, please visit www.pas-meeting.org.

回复: 本月在downtown的各大精彩秀,期待!!!有没有中文的版本啊?

回复: 本月在downtown的各大精彩秀,期待!!!没有啊,用金山词霸在线词典翻译下,可网上订票,非常精彩!!自己顶一下,大家不要错过,我已经选了几个自己感兴趣的!

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