加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求教:父母探亲资料--雇主证明
想试着申请一下父母探亲签证,哪位能提供一份雇主证明的样本? 多谢了!
回复: 求教:父母探亲资料--雇主证明Date: xxTo whom it may concern:Please accept this letter as confirmation that XXX has been employed with ABC company since 1th of January 2010. Currently, XXX:• holds the title of XXXXXXX• earns a salary of CAD$XXXXX annually, payable CAD$XXXX monthly, and a bonus based on performance.• works on a full-time basis of 40 hours per week.If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to contact me at 123456789.Sincerely yours,
回复: 求教:父母探亲资料--雇主证明Date: xx To whom it may concern: Please accept this letter as confirmation that XXX has been employed with ABC company since 1th of January 2010. Currently, XXX: • holds the title of XXXXXXX• earns a salary of CAD$XXXXX annually, payable CAD$XXXX monthly, and a bonus based on performance.• works on a full-time basis of 40 hours per week. If you have any questions or require further information, please don't hesitate to contact me at 123456789. Sincerely yours,点击展开...、 非常谢谢! 请问这个表通常叫什么?
回复: 求教:父母探亲资料--雇主证明应该由人事部提供, 统一格式的, 有公司LOGO. 自己不用管.
回复: 求教:父母探亲资料--雇主证明、 非常谢谢! 请问这个表通常叫什么?点击展开...有人叫它 employer letter
回复: 求教:父母探亲资料--雇主证明、 非常谢谢! 请问这个表通常叫什么?点击展开...就用单位信纸打印出来,老板签字即可。Employment Letter
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