加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息人物专访:哈佛学者在大温搭筑教育之桥



回复: 人物专访:哈佛学者在大温搭筑教育之桥这么出色, 这么个人才, 还用到温哥华职业学院? 温哥华职业学院不是号称大温著名野鸡之一吗...到这种学校不是自毁其名... THIS SCHOOL IS HORRIBLE! a waste of money and a waste of time its really disorganized, dirty, ugly, and twisted. the teachers dont noe how to teach. The computers NEVER work, therz no heat in the winter yuck. ive been going here for a few months now and i still dont noe wat im paying $15,000 for? THIS IS BY FAR THE WORST SCHOOL EVER!! I'M TAKING THE PN PROGRAM THERE AND IT IS THE WORST DECISION I'VE EVER MADE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. THE PN COORDINATORS AREN'T THERE TO HELP YOU BE SUCCESSFUL, IN FACT, I RAN INTO A PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO BE HEARD BY THE PN COORDINATOR, AND INSTEAD, SHE AVOIDS MY PHONE CALLS! I'VE LEFT MESSAGES ON HER VOICE MAIL, AND I HAVEN'T GOTTEN A REPLY FROM HER! REALLY UNPROFESSIONAL. I HATE THIS SCHOOL WITH DEEP PASSION! YOU PAY 22 GRAND FOR THIS COURSE, AND YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A PRECEPTOR INSTRUCTOR!! YOU HAVE TO RECOMMEND THEM TO ONE! REALLY UNORGANIZED! AND IF YOU FAIL, YOU PAY 2 GRAND FOR ONE COURSE! THEY CHANGE A LOT OF RULES AND POLICIES AND PRACTICALLY, IT IS ON A DAILY BASIS! I DO NOT RECOMMEND FOR ANYONE TO GO TO THIS SCHOOL UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET RIPPED OFF!!! I took the RCA course and I am struggling to find a job. When you are seeking information they rave about all the hospitals that they have links and contacts with to get you to sign up and only to finish the program and unable to find a job. I am so frustrated wish I could turn back time as I would not have dug myself in debt to take this course. Look else where and do a lot of research Not happy at all with VCC. I think that with the amount of money you pay for your course, the way they run the school they should be ashamed. The staff at the school i find are there clearly just there for the paycheque. The only good thing i found about my course was my teacher and my classmates. Very disappointed. I was thrilled to start at VCC, but was soon let down. Very disappointed. The school let me down, and never will i recommend it to anyone. I am a current student at VCC and during my time in the LPN program, I have found their curriculum to be very disorganized. A lot of problems were met ie Financial, Classroom Size, lesson material, and staff, etc. Items that were paid for arent given on time and lack of detailed lessons on most classes. Practicum was very unprofessional and some Instructors were hypocritical - and just plain confusing. Though some teachers are there to genuinely help you through the course, some are unprepared, with me officially meeting an instructor who doesn't even know what we learn in our college - thinking weve taken biochemistry, english, Physics, calculus and other University level courses during our 1 year LPN program. Overall, I just find the entire school to be very disorganized and needs alot of work to be at the level were they can attain maximum educational support for their students. 学生对这个学校的评语太恶了,大家自己看吧! http://www.guidetohealthcareschools.com/healthcare-school-reviews/vancouver-career-college

回复: 人物专访:哈佛学者在大温搭筑教育之桥我在温哥华时还碰到过中山大学岭南管理学院原院长,现在在温哥华只能做些咨询,才四十几岁的年纪,不知是真岭南管理学院一溜烟是假的,如果是真的,倒是笑死她的学生。

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