加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于house的a/c温度调控器
我想问下,看过一些house里的air conditioner调控器都在客厅 (和apt一样的装置),可以看到室温的度数,而且大家都可以自己调节高低,不需要经过房东同意。 为什么还有些house a/c冷气调控取决于房东 (好像我也没看见有控制器)?难道他们是在某个locked的地点开关冷暖气的?
回复: 关于house的a/c温度调控器自己调节高低 has zoning feature which is more expensive. Depends on the A/C type.
回复: 关于house的a/c温度调控器自己调节高低 has zoning feature which is more expensive. Depends on the A/C type.点击展开...All I saw is one type, but is there any house with A/C in the summer/winter but it is totally controlled by the landlord? If there is controller in the common room in those houses, why people always complain that landlord would not give enough heating during the winter in a house? Tenants can not adjust the temperature themselves, either heating or cooling, especially in case that landlord does not live with the tenants?
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