如果全家短登以后,把 8 岁的小朋友留在加拿大 home stay 并上学,但是父母全回国了,也没打算要来长登,父母根本对他们自己能否符合枫叶卡的居住要求无所谓,即便父母自己丧失永久居民身份也没关系,在这种情形下,有几个疑问: 1。8岁的小朋友单独留在加拿大念书,5年枫叶卡到期,小朋友能单独换枫叶卡吗? 2。如果上面的答案是否定的,那显然小朋友也无法入籍了。 3。如果 1 的答案是肯定的,那当小朋友符合 4 年内住满 3 年的要求时,小朋友能单独入籍吗?还是必须等到小朋友满 18 岁以后才能单独申请入籍,在 18 岁以前只能每 5 年换枫叶卡维持永久居民的身份? 请知道的大侠赐教,谢谢。
回复: 未成年子女能单独申请更换枫叶卡或入籍吗?Q1: OK to renew. But, CIC did not mention the parent/legal guardian status (PR? Canadian? Or 父母自己丧失永久居民身份) when co-signing the application.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/prcard.asp Renewal : Permanent Resident Card (PR Card) You must sign and date the application form.Applicants who are less than 14 years of age: one of the applicant’s parents or legal guardian must sign the application.Applicants who are 14 years of age or more but less than 18 years of age: the applicant and one of the applicant’s parents or legal guardian must sign the application.Q3: not OK when age < 18. If age => 18, he/she should apply as Adult, no problem.http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/minors.asp Application for Canadian citizenship Minors (under 18 years of age)This application is for persons applying for citizenship for a child under 18. The child must be a permanent resident of Canada and have at least one parent who is a Canadian citizen or will become a citizen at the same time.点击展开...谢谢,加分致谢
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