注意这里“恶意”,是指“有意”,“故意”,有目的而为的。1.在非限制区域钓到不违法,可以保留2.在限制区钓鱼违法 石斑鱼在BC海岸线内是保护品种,不是因为他在国内昂贵,是因为他的数量在急剧减少。 石斑鱼有些品种能活到100岁以上。但是,因为要活到20岁左右才开始产卵,交配,不像别的鱼,虽然活的久,但很早就开是交配的,我们在近海钓的石斑鱼大多数是“未成年”,即便他体积合格,但尚不能生育,所以石斑鱼的数量才开始受人类活动急剧减少。 BC海岸线内很多海域是属于“受保护区域”,尤其海底是岩石,或珊瑚礁区域的,那里是石斑鱼的生活地点,禁止钓鱼。 (因为我们无法控制什么鱼咬钩,能控制的也就是下列了:) 同时政府也呼吁1. 远离礁石区域钓鱼2.远离受保护区域钓鱼3.如果你在一个地方钓鱼钓到石斑鱼,立刻离开那个地方,并告诉其他人那里有石斑鱼,不能钓。 我这里承认错误,上次我们钓到石斑鱼(不是我,是同行的朋友),我还特别高兴,到处炫耀。当时钓到一个大的,两个小的,钓上来后,小的立刻就放回海里去了,可是他们就飘在海面上,死了。石斑鱼出水后,或被钓上来后很难存活的。 这里懊悔下,再也不刻意去钓石斑鱼。 Rockfish Rockfish are bass-like in appearance, with large mouths and eyes, spines on the head and gill plates, and prominent fins. Colour varies between species with shallow water rockfish generally having dark colours (green, brown or black) and deep water species usually orange or red. There are 35 species of rockfish known from British Columbia. Depending on the species, rockfish can range from 18 cm in length up to 120 cm. Inshore rockfish need your help. Catch monitoring and research programs have indicated inshore rockfish stocks in the Strait of Georgia are at very low levels of abundance. Rockfish are very slow growing and do not reproduce until they are quite old, from 7 to 20 years, depending on the species. They also live for a long time; the maximum age for yelloweye rockfish is 118 years and 95 years for quillback rockfish. Unlike salmon, rockfish rarely survive after being caught, therefore one way to ensure their survival is to avoid catching them. Another way is to fish away from rocky reef areas. RCAs were established through an extensive public consultation process. Prior to fishing, fisheries resource users are encouraged to review the location of these RCAs and the permitted activities within RCAs. Unlike salmon, rockfish do not survive well after catch and release. Because of this, there is no size limit for rockfish. Keep what you catch and move to another area if you have reached your rockfish limit. How you can help:Fish away from rocky reef areas.Know the location of the Rockfish Conservation Areas.Tell other anglers about the need to conserve rockfish. Visit rockfish conservation for more information on species and a map of restricted fishing areas.
http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1250250122 赏 反馈:浪迹E天涯 和 (已删除的会员) 2010-07-13#2
1,068 $0.00 回复: 注意,恶意捕捉石斑鱼也是违法行为那可以好意,或者无意去掉咯评论
家园温哥华QQ群1:37890911(已满) QQ群2:80471504 (开放)欢迎加入-ALEX 那可以好意,或者无意去掉咯点击展开... 在非限制区域钓到石斑鱼也是没有办法,但是在限制区(RCA -Rockfish Conservation Areas )域钓鱼,就是违法了。海上还是有巡警的。我们遇到过一回。 如果让巡警抓到你在RCA区域钓鱼,那就罚款了。 有船的人都应该学习哪些是限制区域。我们因为是新手,犯了错,所以贴出来,让后来者不要同样犯错。 下面链接可以查找石斑鱼保护区域。 http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/maps-cartes/rca-acs/index-eng.htm
http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1250250122回复: 注意,恶意捕捉石斑鱼也是违法行为谢谢,学习了
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]笑傲江湖人未老,纵横天地任逍遥。回复: 注意,恶意捕捉石斑鱼也是违法行为有错就改,表扬!
回复: 注意,恶意捕捉石斑鱼也是违法行为改了再犯.
回复: 注意,恶意捕捉石斑鱼也是违法行为台湾有卖石斑鱼的
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回复: 注意,恶意捕捉石斑鱼也是违法行为呵呵,抓楼主犯法吗?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 注意,恶意捕捉石斑鱼也是违法行为善意捕捉呢?
http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1250250122呵呵,抓楼主犯法吗?点击展开...抓我可以,抓我“老婆”, “孩子” 不行
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