回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?Apple's imac 21"'s price isn't bad at all, the base model is very good unless you want the high end 27" core i7 one
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?如题。点击展开...几乎不能升级,扩展能力有限,玩家可以考虑,家里有台iMac前几天在futureshop看见个gateway的一体机,触摸屏的,当时有点心动,不过一想不能再往家里搬废物了,就忍下了
大兔子写稿二兔子发,三兔子读了四兔子夸,五兔子发帖六兔子顶,七兔子骂街八兔子砸,九兔子组织了个研讨会,十兔子报名来参加,九兔子问他来干嘛,十兔子说:我就爱看这帮兔崽子在一块儿掐回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?vs. Desktop PCs All-in-one PC computers are really just a style of desktop computer system. They still have the same requirements in terms of features and function. The only difference is the number of components. All-in-ones have a single box that is the display and computer versus the desktop that is comprised of the computer case plus a separate monitor. This gives the all-in-one computer system a smaller overall profile than a desktop computer system. One might counter by bringing up the latest small form factor computers such as the Apple Mac Mini or AOpen MiniPC. Both of these feature extremely small computers that can easily sit beneath or behind a standard desktop display. The all-in-one PC still has an advantage over these systems in the number of required cables. Since the monitor is integrated into the system, there isn't a need for a monitor cable or separate display power cord. This reduces the clutter on, underneath or behind a desk. Desktop do have some distinct advantages over the all-in-one PCs though. Due to their small sizes and need for lower power and less heat generating components, most all-in-one PCs feature notebook designed components including processors, memory and drives. All of these help make the all-in-one small but they also hinder the overall performance of the system. Typically these notebook components will not perform as well as a traditional desktop. Another issue that all-in-one computers have is their upgradability. While most desktop computer cases can be easily opened by the consumer to install replacements or upgrades all-in-one systems tend to restrict access to the components due to their small nature. This typically only limits the systems to having their memory upgraded. vs. Notebooks One of the primary reasons for the all-in-one PC is to conserve space over a desktop computer, but notebooks have advanced tremendously over the past couple of years. They have advanced so much that comparing them to an all-in-one is almost one sided. Because all-in-one PCs use all the same components as a notebook computer, the performance levels are pretty much identical between the two types of computers. The only really compelling advantage that a all-in-one PC might hold is the size of the screen, but even this is less than it was. While all-in-one PCs generally come with screen sizes between 17 and 20 inches, most desktop replacements also are available with the same size screens. The all-in-one is smaller than the desktop system, but it still is tethered to a desktop space. Notebooks have the ability to be moved between locations and even used away from any power on their battery packs. This makes them much more flexible than the all-in-one. There is really only one area that an all-in-one has the advantage over a notebook computer, price. Because the all-in-one does not need to be portable, the engineering of the components does not have to be as stringent on space, shock or power. This helps reduce the cost of building an all-in-one over a comparable notebook computer system. Conclusions All-in-one PCs are still a very niche product. They don't offer the performance or flexibility of a desktop computer and don't have the portability of a notebook computer. For some who have limited space for a computer and don't need to move it around, it may be the answer but for the majority of consumers they would be better served by either a desktop or notebook. The one area that all-in-one PCs will likely succeed is with them being integrated with TVs, but these are highly specialized and extremely expensive. 笔记本的配件,性能差。台式机的外形,不易携带。两个大缺点都占全了。有个优点:模样稍俊。
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?偶触屏更不敢考虑,手酸啊。
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?偶触屏更不敢考虑,手酸啊。点击展开...有键盘的
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?哈哈,这年头买电脑还考虑升级么?退回去15年,一台新电脑用不上3年就会淘汰,因为那时候硬件的速度跟不上软件的速度。现在一台电脑用5、6年也不会觉的慢。现在首选耐用度强的电脑。
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?如题。点击展开...要看给谁用。
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?要看给谁用。点击展开...自己用。刚宣告了一个笔记本电脑的死刑,想想买来后带出去的次数一共没超过3次,再买干脆不买笔记本了。看见一个All-in-one,好像挺不错。故问行家意见!
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?vs. Desktop PCs All-in-one PC computers are really just a style of desktop computer system. They still have the same requirements in terms of features and function. The only difference is the number of components. All-in-ones have a single box that is the display and computer versus the desktop that is comprised of the computer case plus a separate monitor. This gives the all-in-one computer system a smaller overall profile than a desktop computer system. One might counter by bringing up the latest small form factor computers such as the Apple Mac Mini or AOpen MiniPC. Both of these feature extremely small computers that can easily sit beneath or behind a standard desktop display. The all-in-one PC still has an advantage over these systems in the number of required cables. Since the monitor is integrated into the system, there isn't a need for a monitor cable or separate display power cord. This reduces the clutter on, underneath or behind a desk. Desktop do have some distinct advantages over the all-in-one PCs though. Due to their small sizes and need for lower power and less heat generating components, most all-in-one PCs feature notebook designed components including processors, memory and drives. All of these help make the all-in-one small but they also hinder the overall performance of the system. Typically these notebook components will not perform as well as a traditional desktop. Another issue that all-in-one computers have is their upgradability.这个我倒不是很在乎 While most desktop computer cases can be easily opened by the consumer to install replacements or upgrades all-in-one systems tend to restrict access to the components due to their small nature. This typically only limits the systems to having their memory upgraded. vs. Notebooks One of the primary reasons for the all-in-one PC is to conserve space over a desktop computer, but notebooks have advanced tremendously over the past couple of years. They have advanced so much that comparing them to an all-in-one is almost one sided. Because all-in-one PCs use all the same components as a notebook computer,啊?这样啊? the performance levels are pretty much identical between the two types of computers. The only really compelling advantage that a all-in-one PC might hold is the size of the screen, but even this is less than it was. While all-in-one PCs generally come with screen sizes between 17 and 20 inches, most desktop replacements also are available with the same size screens. The all-in-one is smaller than the desktop system, but it still is tethered to a desktop space. Notebooks have the ability to be moved between locations and even used away from any power on their battery packs. This makes them much more flexible than the all-in-one. There is really only one area that an all-in-one has the advantage over a notebook computer, price. Because the all-in-one does not need to be portable, the engineering of the components does not have to be as stringent on space, shock or power. This helps reduce the cost of building an all-in-one over a comparable notebook computer system. Conclusions All-in-one PCs are still a very niche product. They don't offer the performance or flexibility of a desktop computer and don't have the portability of a notebook computer. For some who have limited space for a computer and don't need to move it around, it may be the answer but for the majority of consumers they would be better served by either a desktop or notebook. The one area that all-in-one PCs will likely succeed is with them being integrated with TVs, but these are highly specialized and extremely expensive. 笔记本的配件,性能差。台式机的外形,不易携带。两个大缺点都占全了。有个优点:模样稍俊。点击展开...看来还是算了。
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?还可以,不过好像除了小毛病自己都没办法修
优品会团购广告合作,欢迎大家联系我,778-858-3567回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?对于用电脑做来打文件、上网、看片之类事务的,而且喜欢它轻巧占地少屏幕不小,不是特别在意性价比,买回家来基本从来不拆机箱的人群,一体机也是不错的选择。
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?all-in-one PCs use all the same components as a notebook computer,啊?这样啊? 看来还是算了。点击展开...not exactly true.iMac以前是用的笔记本平台,新的i5-750 i7-860明显是桌面型处理器,显示芯片组ATI 4670/4850很明显也是桌面型号。thinkcentre就更不用说了,从上一代开始G31平台的就是台式机架构了。
大兔子写稿二兔子发,三兔子读了四兔子夸,五兔子发帖六兔子顶,七兔子骂街八兔子砸,九兔子组织了个研讨会,十兔子报名来参加,九兔子问他来干嘛,十兔子说:我就爱看这帮兔崽子在一块儿掐not exactly true.iMac以前是用的笔记本平台,新的i5-750 i7-860明显是桌面型处理器,显示芯片组ATI 4670/4850很明显也是桌面型号。thinkcentre就更不用说了,从上一代开始G31平台的就是台式机架构了。点击展开...hehe, this is a computer expert
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?苹果的还成,漂亮。
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?哪里可以装中文软件?
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?hehe, this is a computer expert
回复: 各位行家,那种All-in one的电脑你们认为好不好?hehe, this is a computer expert
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