加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教入关带现金的问题
回复: 请教入关带现金的问题海关网站上没对年龄做规定,我个人觉得应该是一人一万,共2万吧。 How to reportIn person at a Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officeIf you are entering or leaving Canada and are carrying $10,000 or more, or its equivalent in a foreign currency including any combination of coins, domestic or foreign bank notes, and securities, such as travellers cheques, stocks and bonds, you have to complete Form E677, Cross-Border Currency or Monetary Instruments Report - Individual. If the currency or monetary instruments that you are reporting are not your own, you will be required to complete Form E667, Cross-Border Currency or Monetary Instruments Report - General. You must complete the reporting form, sign it, and hand it to a border services officer at the nearest CBSA office that is open at the time you are travelling. Who Must Report(a) Persons leaving or entering Canada with currency or monetary instruments subject to the reporting requirement, on them or as part of their luggage, are responsible to report.(b) The exporter of currency or monetary instruments, subject to the reporting requirement exported by courier or as mail, is responsible to report or, upon receipt of retention notice, the importer.(c) The person in charge of a conveyance carrying currency or monetary instruments, subject to the reporting requirement, is responsible to report unless they are reported by the person in whose actual possession they are, or they are imported or exported as mail.(d) The person on whose behalf the currency or monetary instruments, subject to the reporting requirement are imported or exported, is responsible to report in all other cases. 网站:http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5052-eng.html 申报表:http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/forms-formulaires/e677.pdf
I live where I want to live and work where I have to work.回复: 请教入关带现金的问题二次登陆也是可以带这么多吗
PERSON OF INTERST回复: 请教入关带现金的问题这和第几次登陆没关系。 出入境人士有权带任何额度的现金,只不过如果所带现金超过1w per person,基于反洗钱法律的要求,你就有义务申报。 Money laundering and terrorist financing are international problems. Money laundering in Canada alone is estimated to be in the billions of dollars. To help fight these criminal activities, the Government of Canada has introduced the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act. Under the legislation, there are no restrictions on the amount of money that you can bring into or take out of Canada, nor is it illegal to do so. However, you now have to report to a border services officer amounts equal to or greater than CAN$10,000, or its equivalent in a foreign currency that you are bringing into or taking out of Canada.
I live where I want to live and work where I have to work.提示:如果可以带2W,一定要自己带自己的,也就是说不要装在一个人的包里。我们有时候一家人的大钱可能会集中放在一个人的手中,虽然平均下来每人不超1W,申报的时候我们理所当然的认为我们人均不超1W,但如果真被检查到,他们不认这个,全会算在带钱的那个人头上,结果落个带钱的那个人超1W,更严重的是没有如实申报,最后当然是被罚款。就不知道属于小孩的那个额度是否可以放在大人手中,要搞清楚,否则罚款不值当。点击展开...
回复: 请教入关带现金的问题其实带就带了,算一个人头上也行,入关时如实申报就可以了
喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?回复: 请教入关带现金的问题如果不申报你自己算一下所有币种加起来不超过1万加元不然碰到海关检查就麻烦了,小孩带的话2个人分开带混在一起算1个人的。
回复: 请教入关带现金的问题只要有办法带出中国,无论带几万申报就可以了
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