加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息温哥华的夏天有哪些festival?



回复: 温哥华的夏天有哪些festival?去政府的网页找找。

我若不勇敢,谁替我坚强!回复: 温哥华的夏天有哪些festival?JulyCanada Day at Canada Place: Thursday July 1, 2010 10:00am to 7:00pm - Capped off by the Canada Day Parade at 7:00pm and then the Canada Day Burrard Inlet Fireworks Show at 10:30pm Vancouver Shakespeare Festival, Bard on the Beach: June 3-September 25, 2010Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival runs June 3- September 25 in open-ended tents in Vanier Park. 2010 season: Much Ado About Nothing, Antony and Cleopatra, Falstaff (Henry IV, Parts I & II) and Henry V.Festival of Contemporary Dance: July 2-11, 2009 Vancouver 32nd Annual Folk Music Festival: July 16-18, 2010Vancouver Lantern Festival 2010 date to be determined Trout Lake ParkNeanderthal Arts Festival: July 21-August 1, 2010Theatre including four local shows, two national shows and five Walking Fish shows. You gotta be here... after all, the Cultch does have air conditioning.Caribbean Days Festival: July 24-25, 2010Held in North Vancouver, just a block from the SeaBus terminal and Lonsdale Quay Vancouver Early Music Festival: July 25 - August 14, 2010Celebration of Light Fireworks Competition: 2010 dates not yet determinedAugustVancouver Pride Festival: August 1, 2010Vancouver Pride has become the most exciting parade and festival in the City of Vancouver. What began as a small local march has grown into a nationally and internationally recognized LGBT event bringing more than 630,000 people into the streets in one day! Our Pride is spectacular with the summer sunshine, the crowds in their colours, the music, the dancing and the fun inclusive, family friendly atmosphere. With the support of amazing sponsors and volunteers, Vancouver Pride is one of the world's premier celebration of culture and diversity. Join us at the 31st annual Pride Parade on August 1st, 2010 and see what all the fuss is about!Vancouver Shakespeare Festival, Bard on the Beach: June 3-September 25, 2010Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival runs June 3- September 25 in open-ended tents in Vanier Park. 2010 season: Much Ado About Nothing, Antony and Cleopatra, Falstaff (Henry IV, Parts I & II) and Henry V.Vancouver Early Music Festival: July 25 - August 14, 2010Pacific National Exhibition: August 21 - September 6, 2010 Vancouver Celebration of Light Fireworks Festival: 2010 dates not yet determined MusicFest Vancouver 10th Anniversary Edition: August 6-15, 2010. MusicFest offers 50 classical, world and jazz concerts and events in nine popular Vancouver venuesPowell Street Festival: July 31- August 1, 2010The Powell Street Festival celebrate the arts and culture of Japanese Canadians and Asian Canadians 22nd Annual Vancouver Queer Film Festival: August 12-22, 2010Vancouver Early Music Festival: J2010 dates not yet determined http://www.bcpassport.com/vancouver-general/vancouver-festivals.aspx

回复: 温哥华的夏天有哪些festival?这几天开始放烟花了。要早去抢地儿啊

回复: 温哥华的夏天有哪些festival?July Canada Day at Canada Place: Thursday July 1, 2010 10:00am to 7:00pm - Capped off by the Canada Day Parade at 7:00pm and then the Canada Day Burrard Inlet Fireworks Show at 10:30pm Vancouver Shakespeare Festival, Bard on the Beach: June 3-September 25, 2010Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival runs June 3- September 25 in open-ended tents in Vanier Park. 2010 season: Much Ado About Nothing, Antony and Cleopatra, Falstaff (Henry IV, Parts I & II) and Henry V.Festival of Contemporary Dance: July 2-11, 2009 Vancouver 32nd Annual Folk Music Festival: July 16-18, 2010Vancouver Lantern Festival 2010 date to be determined Trout Lake ParkNeanderthal Arts Festival: July 21-August 1, 2010Theatre including four local shows, two national shows and five Walking Fish shows. You gotta be here... after all, the Cultch does have air conditioning.Caribbean Days Festival: July 24-25, 2010Held in North Vancouver, just a block from the SeaBus terminal and Lonsdale Quay Vancouver Early Music Festival: July 25 - August 14, 2010Celebration of Light Fireworks Competition: 2010 dates not yet determinedAugust Vancouver Pride Festival: August 1, 2010Vancouver Pride has become the most exciting parade and festival in the City of Vancouver. What began as a small local march has grown into a nationally and internationally recognized LGBT event bringing more than 630,000 people into the streets in one day! Our Pride is spectacular with the summer sunshine, the crowds in their colours, the music, the dancing and the fun inclusive, family friendly atmosphere. With the support of amazing sponsors and volunteers, Vancouver Pride is one of the world's premier celebration of culture and diversity. Join us at the 31st annual Pride Parade on August 1st, 2010 and see what all the fuss is about!Vancouver Shakespeare Festival, Bard on the Beach: June 3-September 25, 2010Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival runs June 3- September 25 in open-ended tents in Vanier Park. 2010 season: Much Ado About Nothing, Antony and Cleopatra, Falstaff (Henry IV, Parts I & II) and Henry V.Vancouver Early Music Festival: July 25 - August 14, 2010Pacific National Exhibition: August 21 - September 6, 2010 Vancouver Celebration of Light Fireworks Festival: 2010 dates not yet determined MusicFest Vancouver 10th Anniversary Edition: August 6-15, 2010. MusicFest offers 50 classical, world and jazz concerts and events in nine popular Vancouver venuesPowell Street Festival: July 31- August 1, 2010The Powell Street Festival celebrate the arts and culture of Japanese Canadians and Asian Canadians 22nd Annual Vancouver Queer Film Festival: August 12-22, 2010Vancouver Early Music Festival: J2010 dates not yet determined http://www.bcpassport.com/vancouver-general/vancouver-festivals.aspx点击展开...WOW,真多,谢谢!

回复: 温哥华的夏天有哪些festival?.琳?满目,精彩丰富的节日!太谢谢Westend了!也谢谢rxy,有机会再大力推荐一下。​

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