加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息给正在离婚者的提示


无意中在BC Family Law的网站上看到一个提示,挺有意思。有些重要的提示总是很容易被忽视。Critical Rules for a Party to a Divorce to FollowTry to deal with the stress of the case and with your spouse and children in a reasonable mature fashion.Never enter into an agreement with your spouse without the benefit of your counsel’s legal advice.Remember if you criticize your spouse in front of the children you diminish your own child as well.Remember, anything you say to your spouse can and will likely show up in a written document or be presented to the judge. Thus, do not say anything that you would not feel comfortable having repeated in front of the judge hearing your case.Do not hide evidence, or mislead the court in the proceeding. Even one misstatement is too many and will cause your credibility on other issues to be sadly lacking. It may be that a judge disbelieves all of your truthful statements, because of one careless misstatement made during the proceedings. Do not attempt to hide evidence for assets or to destroy or get rid of financial documents.Your divorce will be stressful, but it will not be the end of the world.It is not uncommon for spouses to be angry at the start of the BC divorce, but to gain perspective and become more rational as the proceedings go on.Remember that your spouse may not have been the greatest husband or wife during the marriage, but that you will be parents forever of your children.

回复: 给正在离婚者的提示the common sense.

早起的虫子被鸟吃回复: 给正在离婚者的提示Remember if you criticize your spouse in front of the children you diminish your own child as well. 记住了。

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