加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息美国也封网?


美国人民就是自觉,不用政府说,主动就把敌对势力的网站干掉了,和中国简直是一丘之貉不,比中国高明多了。难道地球上只有加拿大这么一个真正民主自由的国家吗? http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5iBHD4AGZVBq8rFUBZXhLqYawScpg?docId=CNG.2a8de8a8d715bbf5472f2a7f29d9a3be.921 Swiss WikiLeaks website blocked, spawns alternatives(AFP) ? 5 hours ago GENEVA ― The Swiss address of whistleblowing website WikiLeaks was out of service late Friday after the domain name was blocked by the US system provider, the group which owns the name said.However, the Swiss Pirates Party gave 21 alternative websites where WikiLeaks could be found, many of them European domain names and including its German counterpart."As expected wikileaks.ch was blocked by EveryDNS.net," the party said in a statement posted online a few hours after it warned that the step was likely.Attempts to access the site gave error messages.The Swiss Pirates Party said it intended to find another server for its own address.The original wikileaks.org domain was taken offline at 0300 GMT Friday by its American domain name system provider, EveryDNS.net, following reports of massive attacks on the site.It then came back online on Friday with the Swiss wikileaks.ch domain name.The party said earlier that it was examining whether to move the data and where.The Swiss Pirates Party, which campaigns for Internet freedoms and transparency, was founded in 2009.Denis Simonet, who heads the group, told AFP it had registered the domain name wikileaks.ch six months ago."We did it to support WikiLeaks," he said in an emailed reply, adding that it was not done at the request of Julian Assange, founder of the whistleblower site.Assange said last month that he was considering requesting asylum in Switzerland, among other places, and basing the website in the neutral Alpine country."That is a real possibility," Assange said when asked whether he and the website might relocate, adding that Switzerland, and perhaps Iceland, were the only Western countries in which his outfit feels safe.Assange told Swiss national television TSR that WikiLeaks was examining the possibility of creating a foundation that would allow it to operate out of Switzerland, and confirmed that he might apply for asylum.Assange's defence fund also has a bank account with the Swiss Post Office, according to the WikiLeaks website.The link to the Swiss Pirates Party's Wikileaks access list is at http://www.pirateparty.ch/wikileaks_ch_blocked . Copyright © 2010 AFP. All rights reserved. More »

回复: 美国也封网?政府都一样,国家的机器

香港英国保诚保险公司保险代理人 游强00852--52669216[email protected]美国人民就是自觉,不用政府说,主动就把敌对势力的网站干掉了,和中国简直是一丘之貉不,比中国高明多了。难道地球上只有加拿大这么一个真正民主自由的国家吗?点击展开...把黑来的国防和外交机密公开,这可不是民主不民主的问题。

回复: 美国也封网?美国人民就是自觉,不用政府说,主动就把敌对势力的网站干掉了The original wikileaks.org domain was taken offline at 0300 GMT Friday by its American domain name system provider, EveryDNS.net, following reports of massive attacks on the site.点击展开...你自己也说了,这不是政府行为。最多说EveryDNS.net这家公司没有民主自由精神吧,可人家是个公司,因为wikileaks成天给大量黑客攻击,这个损失谁来赔呢?

回复: 美国也封网?加拿大也上不了吧。我上不去了美国人民就是自觉,不用政府说,主动就把敌对势力的网站干掉了,和中国简直是一丘之貉不,比中国高明多了。难道地球上只有加拿大这么一个真正民主自由的国家吗? http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5iBHD4AGZVBq8rFUBZXhLqYawScpg?docId=CNG.2a8de8a8d715bbf5472f2a7f29d9a3be.921 Swiss WikiLeaks website blocked, spawns alternatives(AFP) ? 5 hours ago GENEVA ― The Swiss address of whistleblowing website WikiLeaks was out of service late Friday after the domain name was blocked by the US system provider, the group which owns the name said.However, the Swiss Pirates Party gave 21 alternative websites where WikiLeaks could be found, many of them European domain names and including its German counterpart."As expected wikileaks.ch was blocked by EveryDNS.net," the party said in a statement posted online a few hours after it warned that the step was likely.Attempts to access the site gave error messages.The Swiss Pirates Party said it intended to find another server for its own address.The original wikileaks.org domain was taken offline at 0300 GMT Friday by its American domain name system provider, EveryDNS.net, following reports of massive attacks on the site.It then came back online on Friday with the Swiss wikileaks.ch domain name.The party said earlier that it was examining whether to move the data and where.The Swiss Pirates Party, which campaigns for Internet freedoms and transparency, was founded in 2009.Denis Simonet, who heads the group, told AFP it had registered the domain name wikileaks.ch six months ago."We did it to support WikiLeaks," he said in an emailed reply, adding that it was not done at the request of Julian Assange, founder of the whistleblower site.Assange said last month that he was considering requesting asylum in Switzerland, among other places, and basing the website in the neutral Alpine country."That is a real possibility," Assange said when asked whether he and the website might relocate, adding that Switzerland, and perhaps Iceland, were the only Western countries in which his outfit feels safe.Assange told Swiss national television TSR that WikiLeaks was examining the possibility of creating a foundation that would allow it to operate out of Switzerland, and confirmed that he might apply for asylum.Assange's defence fund also has a bank account with the Swiss Post Office, according to the WikiLeaks website.The link to the Swiss Pirates Party's Wikileaks access list is at http://www.pirateparty.ch/wikileaks_ch_blocked . Copyright © 2010 AFP. All rights reserved. More »点击展开...

回复: 美国也封网?政府都一样,国家的机器点击展开...跟政府没关系,个人行为。这就好象你去一家店吃饭他们多收了你的钱,你不能因为这个就说整个国家是强盗。

回复: 美国也封网?加拿大也上不了吧。我上不去了点击展开...网址改成.ch了

回复: 美国也封网?测试报告:在中国大陆:可以打开http://wikileaks.ch/ ;无法打开http://wikileaks.org/使用美国的代理服务器:可以打开http://wikileaks.ch/ ;无法打开http://wikileaks.org/ wikileaks.ch 的域名解析服务器dns1.syshack.org和dns2.syshack.org在德国(也可能是在瑞士);wikileaks.org 的域名解析服务器NS1.EVERYDNS.NET、NS2.EVERYDNS.NET、NS3.EVERYDNS.NET、NS4.EVERYDNS.NET在美国。 ping wikileaks.ch 有IP地址;ping wikileaks.org 无IP地址。 分析以上测试结果,wikileaks.ch 有域名解析服务支持,wikileaks.org 没有域名解析服务支持。 结论:EveryDNS.net 公司停止了对 wikileaks.org 域名解析服务(Stop Domain Name Service)。但是美国政府或者任何一家美国公司在国际出口或者国内各个节点上封锁维基解密。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT]回复: 美国也封网?这个对美国打击太大了

回复: 美国也封网?你自己也说了,这不是政府行为。最多说EveryDNS.net这家公司没有民主自由精神吧,可人家是个公司,因为wikileaks成天给大量黑客攻击,这个损失谁来赔呢?点击展开...这个应该是政府行为,美国政府给这家公司施压。作为host的美国amazon公司不是也被美国政府要求撤掉wikileaks的东西吗,虽然他们也不承认。

回复: 美国也封网?没事,只要不是dns劫持,不用翻墙就能上,哪像中国的电信这么贱,不知道hack入出口路由拆除防火墙会不会煽动颠覆国家政权?

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