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这个电话真的是breast cancer fundation的电话吗?说是Magic Show , 为breast cancer fundation募捐的,真的吗?
回复: 关于 800 619 4113刚刚GOOGLE了一下,有个信息是“This number comes up on my call display all the time, I've answered a couple of times but it has been background noise only. Tonight I answered and there was actually someone on the line and she said she was calling on behalf of the Firefighters to let me know about a magic show that is coming to town. 同时查了一下 BREAST CANCER FUNDATION 的信息,没有这个电话,该拒接这个电话了。
回复: 关于 800 619 4113刚刚GOOGLE了一下,有个信息是“This number comes up on my call display all the time, I've answered a couple of times but it has been background noise only. Tonight I answered and there was actually someone on the line and she said she was calling on behalf of the Firefighters to let me know about a magic show that is coming to town. 同时查了一下 BREAST CANCER FUNDATION 的信息,没有这个电话,该拒接这个电话了。点击展开...来电显示可以随意换的,只要一分钱一分钟,要对方显示什么号码就什么号码。还有可以改变声音的服务,呵呵。
http://www.canadameet.com来电显示可以随意换的,只要一分钱一分钟,要对方显示什么号码就什么号码。还有可以改变声音的服务,呵呵。点击展开...最近有两个频繁往家里打的电话,有时会一天几次,也不留言,今晚刚接了这个,说是Megic SHOW,。
回复: 关于 800 619 4113我的办法是不管他说on behalf 谁,我如果觉得想捐的,就让他们把捐款表格寄到家里来,我写张支票,抬头写上我愿意给捐款的机构名称,这样就不会错了。有时候,一些机构招聘义工帮他们fund rising,义工们有的是用自己家的电话打的,也有义工给几个机构都当义工。我一个邻居老太太就是,前一阵子忙得够呛,Surrey firefighter 也帮,她自己所在的教会也帮,还帮一个什么ALS的研究基金。
回复: 关于 800 619 4113800-619-4113http://800notes.com/Phone.aspx/1-800-619-4113/4 [FONT=新?明篦]Desiree Petersen[/FONT][FONT=新?明篦]17 Nov 2010[/FONT] This is a scam form a woman with an American accent. She leaves a message from "GE Credit Services" about fraudlent activity on your Master Card. She answers by various names (in this case she answered as Sherri) and on the other number 1800-428-3500 she answered as Teresa). I knew this was fraudulent as I had already called Master Card. I played along when she called the next time. It sounds really authentic with the call center music playing and asking you to wait for the next fraud representative. In the meantime while you are waiting they ask you to confirm the last 4 digits of your Master Card and your date of birth, I put garbage in and the message said it did not match their records. They put me through anyway and I told her she was a scam artist and all the while she was polite and trying to convince me she was authentic. I told her I had phoned the police and reported her. She even tried to tell me that her telephone number was the same as on the back of my card, which it is not. Some people may not check. I cussed her out and eventually put down the phone. When I called the same number half an hour later I got through to a voice mail for "Magic for Miracles". I then proceeded to call the second number that had called my house the day before. It got through to "GE Credit Services". The same woman answered with the name Teresa instead of Sherri. I played the fool and told her I was calling from my bank's Master Card Security department and I asked her why she was calling our customers. There was silence on the other end. Then, stupidly, she told me that I was the same person (and she mentioned my name) that had cussed her earlier and put down the phone.
买房好帮手 / 免费精神科医疗诊治 / 食补 / 免费无限电话BC省MSP医疗辅助保健/儿童保健计划/药物补助计划补助金(GIS)/ 老人金 (OAS) / 退休金 (CPP) / 园艺 / 健身 / 相片 / 减脂 / 诗集 / 插花回复: 关于 800 619 4113看来还是小心为妙
回复: 关于 800 619 4113类似这种电话,能不接就不接
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