加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。


住小公寓,刚来时也知道公寓没有电表,电费包干,还是买了很多节能灯泡,标25瓦却有100瓦亮度。(觉得和白枳灯的晦暗相比,节能灯颜色爽心)买时边上有个西人老头,热心对我说,节能灯有水银,对身体不好,偶听不懂水银,还是店员给翻译的。 趁孩子寒假的最后一天(怕一个人换灯泡,不小心跌下来或触电没人去报警)偶把这21个灯泡全换成100瓦或60瓦飞利浦自然光白枳灯。这个灯泡的色光最接近日光,对大温地区冬季缺日照易得抑郁症应该有改善。 便宜,就1刀多一个,就算电费自己的,我也会换。 从灯泡原理上讲,能量就两个去处,如果不是发热损失,就是用于发光,节能灯泡开久了,也很烫,它的波长曲线不连贯,有几个峰值比较高的波峰,所以感觉亮,其实对眼睛和身体都不利,节能只是以缺少特定波长的光来实现的,不值得。 还是传统的好啊。提醒一下,要看清灯座处所标最高瓦数,不能超,否则会出事。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。你再仔细GOOGLE下

最新2012年7月后中英对照DiscoverCanada加拿大入籍考试指南,与最新官网音频同步http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=592263回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。请问这个发出的光是白的还是黄的?我一直想找白色光的灯泡,但经常买回来时黄色的,也不知道从哪里看是白的还是黄的。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。你再仔细GOOGLE下点击展开...提示一下嘛,莫小气,俺给你加分分。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。请问这个发出的光是白的还是黄的?我一直想找白色光的灯泡,但经常买回来时黄色的,也不知道从哪里看是白的还是黄的。点击展开...颜色像200瓦的普通白枳灯照出来的色光(不是亮度)介于白枳灯和日光灯之间。有点接近日光型节能灯。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。早在1980年,NIMH(The National Institutes Of Mental Health)的Dr. Lewy 和他的合作伙伴发现高强度的光线可影响人类松果体释放褪黑素。这一发现表明人类的生理功能明显受光线的影响。次年,工程师Herbert Kern 注意到Dr.Lewy 发表在SCIENCE 上的一篇文章,文章谈到人类生理机能对光照敏感,利用光照可治疗抑郁状态,这种抑郁状态总是在每年秋季的同一时间出现,而在每年春季的同一时间缓解。作为精神病学家的Dr.Lewy.采用延长日光光照,利用人工阳光开始治疗抑郁,但是研究并未发现人类的生理机能对正常情况下的人工光线表现出预期的反应。Kern 因而首先尝试采用强光(2000LUX)以增强模拟阳光的效果。他将病人置于强光下2个小时(早晨及夜晚)进行治疗,观察到一定的治疗效果。从此,光疗治疗季节性抑郁(SAD)开始兴起,并一直沿用到今天。现在光疗已被美国精神疾病协会推荐使用,并认为是治疗SAD的首选治疗手段。最近,广州市视正医疗器械有限公司,已经采用光谱范围:420nm―780nm,光照度≥4000LUX,色温:4500K―5500K的光谱治疗仪治疗抑郁,取得了良好的效果,并且没出现全身不适,头痛,眼部不适等副反应。现在许多患者通过光疗获益。光疗是一种物理治疗手段,通过将荧光灯放入光疗盒中,产生不同的颜色,不同波长的光线,刺激植物神经系统和脑干网状结构,调节营养代谢、血液循环和内分泌功能,调控生理周期、改善症状。同时光线通过视觉信号刺激视网膜,作用于非视锥细胞,非视杆细胞的视觉光受体,通过视神经的非感觉传导通路,来调节松果体的功能,促进松果体释放褪黑素,通过眼与中枢神经系统的相互作用,经视丘下部路径调节免疫系统治疗各种疾病,这一神经传导通路已被跟踪证实,其生理解剖基础已经明朗。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。from bc hydro: Big changes are afoot in the world of energy efficient lighting. Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) have taken the market by storm with their 75% energy savings. Additionally, LED lighting products have started to enter the market for common indoor and outdoor household lighting. These products can be found as a stand alone bulb or as a complete lighting fixture.Another shift is occurring in how we think of lighting our rooms, illuminating specific areas (the dining table, the armchair, the desk) instead of providing less light across a whole room.When looking for energy efficient bulbs, CFL's are leading the market for residential lighting use, as LED technology can't yet meet many of a home's lighting needs. CFL's come in many shapes and sizes [PDF, 502 Kb] as well as different light output levels and colour temperatures, to suit almost any fixture and function.Affordability CFLs cost more up front ($3 to $10 on average), but they quickly pay for themselves in two ways. Because they use much less energy, you'll save on your electrical bill as soon as you start using them. And because CFLs last up to 10 times longer, you'll only buy one bulb for every 10 incandescents you'd need. That saves money and time as well.Their durability makes CFLs a great choice for hard-to-reach fixtures like ceiling pot lights and chandeliers, and because they come in so many varieties, you can find them to fit most of your existing fixtures.Cost savings CFLs use up to 75% less energy and can last up to 10 times longer than standard incandescents (about 10,000 hours compared to 1,000 for incandescents), so you save money by using less energy and buying fewer bulbs.Health & comfort Voltage fluctuations cycle much faster in CFLs than in old tube fluorescents, so there is no perceptible flicker. They are available in a range of colour temperatures from soft white warm tones, similar to an incandescent, to cooler blue tones for reading. Finding the right colour temperature for the task will make the light both functional and aesthetically pleasing.Environmental considerations The energy savings from replacing incandescent bulbs with CFLs helps decrease the need for new energy generation facilities and the associated environmental impacts.If the average B.C. home replaced all their incandescents with CFLs it would save approximately 830 kilowatt hours a year. That's about as much energy as you would use watching over 4,100 episodes of your favourite TV program or doing 1,250 loads of laundry on a front loading washer. from wiki: Health issuesSee also: Light sensitivityThe cost effectiveness of battery-powered CFLs is enabling aid agencies to support initiatives to replace kerosene lamps, the fumes from which cause chronic lung disorders in typical homes and work places in third world countries.[9]According to the European Commission Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) in 2008, the only property of compact fluorescent lamps that could pose an added health risk is the ultraviolet and blue light emitted by such devices. The worst that can happen is that this radiation could aggravate symptoms in people who already suffer rare skin conditions that make them exceptionally sensitive to light. They also stated that more research is needed to establish whether compact fluorescent lamps constitute any higher risk than incandescent lamps.[43]If individuals are exposed to the light produced by some single-envelope compact fluorescent lamps for long periods of time at distances of less than 20 cm, it could lead to ultraviolet exposures approaching the current workplace limit set to protect workers from skin and retinal damage.[43]The UV radiation received from CFLs is too small to contribute to skin cancer and the use of double-envelope CFL lamps "largely or entirely" mitigates any other risks.[43] Environmental issuesMercury emissions CFLs, like all fluorescent lamps, contain small amounts of mercury[44][45] as vapor inside the glass tubing. Most CFLs contain 3?5 mg per bulb, with the eco-friendly bulbs containing as little as 1 mg.[46][47] Because mercury is poisonous, even these small amounts are a concern for landfills and waste incinerators where the mercury from lamps may be released and contribute to air and water pollution. In the U.S., lighting manufacturer members of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) have voluntarily capped the amount of mercury used in CFLs.[48] In the EU the same cap is required by the RoHS law.In areas with coal-fired power stations, the use of CFLs saves on mercury emissions when compared to the use of incandescent bulbs. This is due to the reduced electrical power demand, reducing in turn the amount of mercury released by coal as it is burned.[49][50] In July 2008 the US EPA published a data sheet stating that the net system emission of mercury for CFL lighting was lower than for incandescent lighting of comparable lumen output. This was based on the average rate of mercury emission for US electricity production and average estimated escape of mercury from a CFL put into a landfill.[51] Coal-fired plants also emit other heavy metals, sulfur, and carbon dioxide. In the United States, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimated that if all 270 million compact fluorescent lamps sold in 2007 were sent to landfill sites, that this would represent around 0.13 metric tons, or 0.1% of all U.S. emissions of mercury (around 104 metric tons that year).[52] 住小公寓,刚来时也知道公寓没有电表,电费包干,还是买了很多节能灯泡,标25瓦却有100瓦亮度。(觉得和白枳灯的晦暗相比,节能灯颜色爽心)买时边上有个西人老头,热心对我说,节能灯有水银,对身体不好,偶听不懂水银,还是店员给翻译的。 趁孩子寒假的最后一天(怕一个人换灯泡,不小心跌下来或触电没人去报警)偶把这21个灯泡全换成100瓦或60瓦飞利浦自然光白枳灯。这个灯泡的色光最接近日光,对大温地区冬季缺日照易得抑郁症应该有改善。 便宜,就1刀多一个,就算电费自己的,我也会换。 从灯泡原理上讲,能量就两个去处,如果不是发热损失,就是用于发光,节能灯泡开久了,也很烫,它的波长曲线不连贯,有几个峰值比较高的波峰,所以感觉亮,其实对眼睛和身体都不利,节能只是以缺少特定波长的光来实现的,不值得。 还是传统的好啊。提醒一下,要看清灯座处所标最高瓦数,不能超,否则会出事。 点击展开...

http://www.canadameet.com回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。照着么说普通灯泡会没问题?用手电筒吧,那最安全。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。照着么说普通灯泡会没问题?用手电筒吧,那最安全。点击展开...亮一点,光谱全一点,更像太阳光就好。 其实最好是200瓦普通灯泡,既不偏黄,也够亮,可惜发热太大,三五只挤在一起的话,灯具受不了。 所以捣鼓出所谓飞利浦自然光灯泡(原理也忒简单了,涂蓝blue coating后消除黄光),其实也是一种权宜之计。 为推广节能灯具的宣传:低水银,光谱全,愿者相信吧。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。节能灯泡是趋势,那也是没办法的事情, 我家门口及Gate,反正不影响就都用节能灯吧, 家中为求公平,天花的两个灯泡,一个传统电灯泡一个节能灯泡两不相欠,其他区域?状况而定, 不过帜热灯泡(传统电灯泡)好像已经立法了,只能卖到2013年,所以对情有独钟的朋友,若仍要使用传统灯泡就买它个壹千打够用它一辈子. 也别说,过两年我还真打算买它个几十打 . :p .;) 台北仁...............

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。节能灯是含稀土元素三基色,不含水银吧?我也搞不懂,学习了。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。节能灯是含稀土元素三基色,不含水银吧?我也搞不懂,学习了。点击展开...掺了稀土的荧光粉,还是需要带电水银蒸气去激发的吧,否则涂在玻璃上接触不到电源怎么会自己发光。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。据说这也是改变冬天心情的灯:

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。偶把这21个灯泡全换成100瓦或60瓦飞利浦自然光白枳灯。点击展开...每天4小时,每个灯泡80瓦计算, 每年这些灯泡用电量=365*4*21*80/1000=2452.8度 每年电费$215.

http://www.canadameet.com亮一点,光谱全一点,更像太阳光就好。 其实最好是200瓦普通灯泡,既不偏黄,也够亮,可惜发热太大,三五只挤在一起的话,灯具受不了。 所以捣鼓出所谓飞利浦自然光灯泡(原理也忒简单了,涂蓝blue coating后消除黄光),其实也是一种权宜之计。 为推广节能灯具的宣传:低水银,光谱全,愿者相信吧。点击展开...那个涂蓝blue coating你可以google一下,含汞。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。那个涂蓝blue coating你可以google一下,含汞。点击展开...还没有找到,给个链接吧,谢谢。 偶也觉得普通的白枳灯最好,可是不喜欢那个颜色。 感觉新科技都玄乎。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。每天4小时,每个灯泡80瓦计算, 每年这些灯泡用电量=365*4*21*80/1000=2452.8度 每年电费$215.点击展开...房间,厅,卫生间,储存室,阳台不可能同时去呀。 不过您这样帮我算一下也好,至少让我有个概念,电费也不可小视,呵呵。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。节能灯泡是趋势,那也是没办法的事情, 我家门口及Gate,反正不影响就都用节能灯吧, 家中为求公平,天花的两个灯泡,一个传统电灯泡一个节能灯泡两不相欠,其他区域状况而定, 不过帜热灯泡(传统电灯泡)好像已经立法了,只能卖到2013年,所以对情有独钟的朋友,若仍要使用传统灯泡就买它个壹千打够用它一辈子. 也别说,过两年我还真打算买它个几十打 . :p .;) 台北仁...............点击展开...偶也灵活运用的, 过道和床边的脚灯,还是LED的比较好,寿命超长,24小时开。

回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。温哥华新建的house,节能灯的安装必须按比例执行(也就是灯座必须是节能的两眼插口),想换也不中了。

一叶知秋回复: 付的是灯泡钱,治的是忧郁症。强烈需要小和尚的头当灯泡,瓦数足够,专治留守妇女忧郁症。 保证不会再提有毒问题

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