Why has the Ontario Energy Board changed Electricity prices?On October 18, 2010, the Ontario Energy Board announced its new electricity commodity prices for consumers that are on the Regulated Price Plan (RPP):Tiered and Time-of-Use rates. Starting on November 1, 2010, RPP Tiered Pricing consumers will see a decrease in price from 6.5 cents to 6.4 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), and from 7.5 cents to 7.4 cents per kWh for consumption above the threshold. The price threshold changes twice a year for residential customers. The price threshold will be 1,000 kWh per 30 days during the winter season (November 1 to April 30) and at 600 kWh per 30 days during the summer season (May 1 to October 31). Also starting November 1, 2010, customers on RPP Time-of-Use rates will see a change in price. Highest price (On-Peak) period will remain the same at 9.9 cents per kWh, Mid Price (Mid-Peak) period will increase from 8.0 cents to 8.1 cents per kWh, and Lowest Price (Off-Peak) period will decrease from 5.3 cents to 5.1 cents per kWh. View more information about Time-of-Use rates. The change in both the Tiered and Time-of-Use pricing is primarily due to the forecasted change in the cost of generating electricity. For more information, visit the Ontario Energy Board's website. This electricity price change takes effect November 1, 2010 and Toronto Hydro will prorate your bill so that consumption before November 1 is charged at the previous rates and consumption on or after November 1 is billed according to the new rates. 也不知道这几分几离的能改变什么?看自家的Toronto hydro账单,最大的收费并不在自己用的电上,而是在那个什么delivery服务上,我搞不明白个中缘由,人家要多少给多少就好了~
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.回复: 11月开始,电费收费标准又变了,我今天才知道是,没办法的事。
06年1月FN,08年10月登陆。 赏 反馈:beinglove 2010-11-25#3 V 5,214 $0.00 回复: 11月开始,电费收费标准又变了,我今天才知道关注,还没受到账单
回复: 11月开始,电费收费标准又变了,我今天才知道这里的电费属于REGULATED的, 所以所有的成本都要列出来
回复: 11月开始,电费收费标准又变了,我今天才知道安省未来几年目标是电费升价40%
回复: 11月开始,电费收费标准又变了,我今天才知道安省未来几年目标是电费升价40%点击展开...晕,不会是真的吧??!!
回复: 11月开始,电费收费标准又变了,我今天才知道安省未来几年目标是电费升价40%点击展开...已经给联邦否决了。所以为什么我建议大家投票给保守党。 自由党简直是胡作非为。
和气生财,心宽长寿。 赏 反馈:beinglove 2010-11-25#8
13,506 $0.00 回复: 11月开始,电费收费标准又变了,我今天才知道电力是隶属于政府的垄断行业,涨你没商量。不过不垄断也没用,就像Internet费,汽车保险费,。。。全球最贵了评论
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google 赏 反馈:beinglove 2010-11-25#9 V 5,214 $0.00 回复: 11月开始,电费收费标准又变了,我今天才知道已经否决啦,太好了。还说20年要翻一倍,怕怕
回复: 11月开始,电费收费标准又变了,我今天才知道加拿大电费价格总体还是偏低
回复: 11月开始,电费收费标准又变了,我今天才知道多谢各位的讨论,LS全部加分分了~~O(∩_∩)O~
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