加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息今晚OSM的免费音乐会


蒙特利尔交响乐团2010-2011新演出季首演暨旧演出场所Wilfrid-Pelletier告别曲目不错http://www.osm.ca/en/index_concerts_concert.cfm?ID=542 KENT NAGANO OPEN’S THE SEASON! : free concert! Kent Nagano, conductor Thursday september 2, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. KENT NAGANO, conductorCIRQUE ÉLOIZEMARIE-JOSÉE LORD, sopranoDANY LAFERRIÈRE, authorLUCK MERVIL, singerDENIS BOUCHARD, stage direction STRAUSS, R. Don JuanSTRAVINSKI, Firebirdfeaturing Cirque ÉloizeADAMS, LollapaloosaGERSHWIN, SummertimeMarie-Josée Lord, sopranoBARBER, Adagiowith a narration by Dany LaferrièreLUCK MERVIL, Mézanmi (My Friends) Kent Nagano and the OSM will be offering the entire Montreal community a grand-scale free outdoor concert on Thursday, September 2, 2010. The concert will take place in front of the site of the OSM’s new concert hall. In addition to Cirque Éloize, participants will include writer Dany Laferrière (winner of the 2009 Prix Médicis) and singer Luck Mervil, with whom the OSM has already collaborated. Staging of the event will be carried out by Denis Bouchard, who also did stage direction for the OSM concert “The Meeting of the Century” on April 2, 2009, at the Bell Centre. Through this event the OSM will pay tribute to the courage of the Haitian people and collect voluntary contributions from its audience.Kent Nagano explained: “Our season opening concert is meant as a great open-air celebration to which the whole Montreal community is invited. With this symbolic gesture we will be marking our appreciation to the audience for supporting us during our time in Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier. As we are saying farewell to a hall which has served us so well, we invite the community to join us next year for this new beginning. This concert is also special because it has a social dimension. Having been deeply touched by the tragedy in Haiti, we are dedicating our season opening concert to the people of this country, whose courage and determination we wish to honor.” 详情见: jiaozihui.com

http://zhujian.me 微信公众号:加拿大读书会 careaders回复: 今晚OSM的免费音乐会请问地址在哪里啊?多谢!

回复: 今晚OSM的免费音乐会屁颠颠跑过去,没找到地方,又回来了,还有比我更衰的吗?

回复: 今晚OSM的免费音乐会指挥是小泽征尔?

回复: 今晚OSM的免费音乐会指挥是小泽征尔?点击展开...长野先生。

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