加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息一个泳衣的仓库特卖,50% off prices
Bikini Village Warehouse Closing Sale,they will be selling off everything in the joint for 50% off prices. Brands: Seafolly, Billabong, Livia, Vitamin A, Split, Gottex, Christina, Roxy, O’Neil, Bikini Bar, Roots, Tyr, Captiva...Dates:From Dec 18th to Jan 11th 2012Address:2740 Mackay,St-Hubert, Quebec (J4T 3R8)Tel: 450-9231754Flyer图片看这里http://salecollection.ca/saleevent/Bikini-Village-Warehouse-Closing-Sale.html
回复: 一个泳衣的仓库特卖,50% off prices-50%, -夏天结束至今的库存费用,。。。。
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