加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary二手买卖 - Perfect Room For Rent in Dalhousie Calgary
Landlord: 彭绍新 Contact by Phone: 403-383-3973(彭绍欣手机) 403-383-8353(lindsey peng手机这个电话下午4点后可打) Contact by Email: [email protected]地址:76-4936 Dalton Drive NW 社区: dalhousie Size (平方米): 大约14 吸烟:可商量 宠物:可商量 包括:全包(水,电,电视,电话,网) 简介: 出租一个干净,舒适,而且朝阳的2楼房间. 这个房间大约14平方米,在DALHOUSIE的TOWNHOUSE 里面. 房间里面有网络,电缆连接. 水电费等全包. 。 停车免费。次出租的房间在非常不错的位置, 包括5-10分钟步行到DALHOUSIESTATION, 附近有很多商店包括COOP,SAVEWAY,CHAPTERS,BESTBUY,NORTHLANDMALL,CANADIANTIRE, 等等. 还有很多餐厅例如韩国餐厅,日本寿司,越南面,麦当劳,DAIRYQUEEN等. 当然,附近还有图书馆,高中 (sir Winston Churchill), 健身房(golds gym and sirwinstonchurchill fitness center). 从多方面来讲这都是一个不错的房间,非常适合单身,当然如果是家庭也可以商量(楼下还有个BASEMENT ).屋主热情和开朗,我们欢迎所有有意者, 希望可以认识更多朋友.有意者可致电(403)383-3973( 彭绍欣) (403)383-8353 ( Lindsey Peng,请在下午4点后致电) 或者加 lindseypeng@hotmail.com谢谢。简介:This is a Nice & Tidy and sunny room located at the second floor of a town house in Dalhousie. Internet, Cable, and Utilities are included. It is a great location which included 5 minute walk from dalhousie station, 15 minute walk to major mall and shopping centers(northlandmall,bestbuy,varity of resturant,COOP,Canadian Tire,Sveway,Chapters and many more!!!!). Parking is free. There's also a school (SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL), library, and fitness centers near the location which provided great entertainment.The is a perfect room, great price for which suits best for single; families are negotiable with a spare basement included in the townhouse. Call (403)383-3973 for Harry Peng or (403)383-8353 for Lindsey PengWe welcome anyone regardless of age and race(call you can meet great people>.<i wish to meet you too! ) :em15: THANX
回复: Perfect Room For Rent in Dalhousie Calgary楼下的有独立卫生间吗?多少米?
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