加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊
一朋友找了一个多月了,跑了不少地方,发了不少简历,还是没回音最近怎么普通的Labour工都那么难找啊?大家如果有知道相关招工信息的,麻烦介绍下。。。 先谢谢了!
回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊北边大mall要开张了,这个周末在telus convention centre有个大型招聘会,有3000多个职位,本人准备带个翻译去看看能不能卡个什么位子。
回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊The reason is that the resumes and the application forms are handed over to the staff rather than the managers, meaning that the chances are they go directly to the garbage bins the next day. It sucks but the same shit is just happening on a daily basis: the managers are desparately looking for some people but never see any application while the "We are hiring" signs are hung all year long.
专业中英文双语网站搭建服务,使你拥有自己域名的邮箱,让你的业务在扎根于华人客户的同时也可以延伸到西人群体,最低只需一次性收费$99。 超赞 赏 北方的天空FROM SEA TO SEA 0$(VIP 0) 5,0662009-06-26#4 回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊我们夫妻两找labour工都找了两个月了,也没人搭理我们,就一家...不说了,得出一个结论,不一定正确:尽量不要给说粤语的老板打工(不希望引发辩论,只是希望能给大家一个善意的建议)继续找.....................................................
超赞 赏 greenbrier 0$(VIP 0) 9082009-06-26#5 回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊我觉得还是应该尝试西人的工作。2楼说的那个购物中心,很值得去试一下。打印多份简历,看到店就发。会有机会的!
To see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour.我们夫妻两找labour工都找了两个月了,也没人搭理我们,就一家...不说了,得出一个结论,不一定正确:不要给说粤语的老板打工(不希望引发辩论,只是希望能给大家一个善意的建议)继续找.....................................................点击展开...你有车么??有车就到SE转转,应该还有招聘的,洗车行或加油站什么的。
回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊2楼 不知道具体位置是哪里 能说说吗
回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊2楼 不知道具体位置是哪里 能说说吗点击展开... 请看下面的链接:http://www.crossironmills.com
回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊最好让你朋友自己讲一下个人大致情况及打工要求。
回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊Many newcomers experienced the same thing in Calgary in 2002, shortly following the IT boom. What is really interesting is that in general the non-principal applicants got the jobs, labour positions of course, earlier than the principal applicants; The non-degree applicants earlier than the degree holders; Women earlier than men. Focus on further study and professional jobs for men and degree holders may be part of the reasons for the above phenomenon, but you can see from this phenomenon what skills are more important as a labour for the employers. A "successful" guy once said that you should not say that you were the principal applicant when looking for a labour job. That was then, it may not work now.
回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊The reason is that the resumes and the application forms are handed over to the staff rather than the managers, meaning that the chances are they go directly to the garbage bins the next day. It sucks but the same shit is just happening on a daily basis: the managers are desparately looking for some people but never see any application while the "We are hiring" signs are hung all year long.点击展开... Do you mean that the assistants are doing something against the will of their bosses. If that is the case, they would have been fired. It happens, but definitely not on a daily basis. An example is that you even don't need a resume to get a labour job in late 2006 and all year in 2007 in Calgary and some other cities.
回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊just try again and again! Never give it up!
回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊just try again and again! Never give it up!点击展开... Good idea
回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊关注
[FONT=华文隶书]孤云出岫去留一无所系,朗镜悬空静躁两不相干。[/FONT]Do you mean that the assistants are doing something against the will of their bosses. If that is the case, they would have been fired. It happens, but definitely not on a daily basis. An example is that you even don't need a resume to get a labour job in late 2006 and all year in 2007 in Calgary and some other cities.点击展开... The boss hires the assistant. It is the assistant who first reviews the cvs.
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 E elisachen 0$(VIP 0) 1,4432009-07-16#16 回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊我看见联达在招收银员。我听朋友讲FISH CREEK 附近的超市还在招工,具体哪儿不清楚。直接去找比较好。
回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊楼下,从蓝桥大学毕业的女孩子来卡尔加里刚15天,得到了两个interview(Cashier),今天已经得到通知,周末给工作时间表。如果语言过的去,不挑工作的话,一般的LABOR还不难找。
2006年移民,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。 超赞 赏 抬头看蓝天 0$(VIP 0) 5332009-07-16#18 回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊讲个亲眼所见的故事:上周在麦当劳买午餐,付完钱在一边等待,结果后面的印度女的和收银的说,见经理.原来是找活的.那个口气好像不请她是不行的,牛啊.经理回身去拿申请职位的表,那个女的头转了一下,这下面对我了,翻白眼,嘴里讲了很不好听的词,(当然经理是听不见的),看来找工也需要强势.我准备过两天去看看,那个女的有没上岗,嘿嘿.那里门口没贴找人标志,那个女的上来就说,我明确知道你们这里在招人,bala,bala.要是那个女的成功了,我觉得这样的经验中国人是否也借鉴一下?
回复: 怎么找份Labour工都这么难啊ding
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