加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary反对加拿大电信公司对超流量用户进行收费-we need an internet hero
OpenMedia.ca asked Canadians to send Ottawa a message about Internet metering (usage-based billing), and wow did you ever respond ? over 420,000 have signed the petition!We’re excited that we’ve come this far, but the issue has been put back before the CRTC and they’re digging in their heels. When the CRTC Chair Konrad von Finckenstein was dragged before politicians, he said the CRTC still wants to “find economic ways to discipline the use of the Internet”. To win, we urgently need to encourage Konrad to be an Internet Hero. Send a message to the CRTC HERE.An historic level of public engagement led all the major political parties to vow to fight the meter. Minister Clement called for a review, but we don’t know what kind of ruling he will accept. We can all be sure an industry-friendly compromise is being crafted behind closed doors. We must sway the CRTC now to make our previous victories stick. If we don't convince the CRTC, all could be lost - all Internet users could face a metered Internet and pay up $4 per gigabyte! To send a clear message to the CRTC, we need to reach a new milestone - half a million signatures. Sign HERE. We need to remind the media that we’re working with historical numbers of Canadians. After you sign, be sure to share it with your friends and family ? this is how we win. Share it on Facebook Share it on TwitterEmail itWe’ve already moved politics in Canada and made it easy for politicians to champion the Internet. Now let’s the do the same for the CRTC ? let’s encourage Konrad to be an Internet hero. We’ve come this far, let’s not stop now, ~ The OpenMedia.ca teamSupport this campaign by making a small donation to our Stop the Meter Fund at: http://openmedia.ca/drive (this donation will cost you a lot less than UBB)SOURCES:Strombo Talks Internet Meteringhttp://openmedia.ca/stromboVancouver Sun - How B.C. activists fought off the Internet billing planhttp://www.vancouversun.com/technology/activists+fought+Internet+billing+plan/4222362/story.htmlGeorgia Straight - Geek Speak: Lindsey Pinto, OpenMedia.cahttp://www.straight.com/article-373231/vancouver/geek-speak-lindsey-pinto-openmediacaGlobe And Mail - A metered Internet is a regulatory failurehttp://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/opinions/opinion/a-metered-internet-is-a-regulatory-failure/article1881250Canadians Just Became World's Biggest Internet Losershttp://thetyee.ca/Mediacheck/2011/01/26/InternetLosers/TorrentFreak - Massive Protest Against Canadian Bandwidth Capshttp://torrentfreak.com/canadian-bandwidth-caps-110131/CBC Visits OpenMedia.cahttp://www.no video.com/watch?v=UZSq5Gh0uo8[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif] OpenMedia.ca[/FONT]You have received this message through your subscription to an OpenMedia e-mail list.If you did not subscribe or would like to unsubscribe click here.
2006年移民,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。 超赞 赏 泠泠67普通用户 9$(VIP 0,#124) 3,5942011-02-07#2 回复: 反对加拿大电信公司对超流量用户进行收费-we need an internet hero[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=UZSq5Gh0uo8&feature=player_embedded[/ame]
2006年移民,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。 超赞 赏 游 游客Guest 0$(VIP ) 2011-02-07#3 回复: 反对加拿大电信公司对超流量用户进行收费-we need an internet hero个人认为:多用多收,少用少收.
回复: 反对加拿大电信公司对超流量用户进行收费-we need an internet hero[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=W8-ONolT4BY&feature=related[/ame]
2006年移民,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。个人认为:多用多收,少用少收.点击展开...你并不完全了解这个事情。首先随着互联网的发展,更多的音像产品被互联网用户使用,这些产品必然导致大流量的产生。用户不可能只是浏览网页,而不去使用video,movie,music,yutube等。而一旦使用这些产品或服务就会导致流量的大增,从而被电信商收取大量的费用是不合适的,也会影响互联网业的进一步发展。其次,大电信商如此收费导致中小电信公司的经营困难,不利于自由竞争,只会导致大电信商的垄断,直接损害了消费者的利益。加拿大的手机用户一直以来被迫介绍高收费,低服务的电信,就是因为这个领域的自由竞争不够。最后,大的电信运营商的投资成本并不高,可以提供更大流量的服务,现在却额外收高额的服务费本身就是对消费者的损害。这种收费是不合理的,所以才导致本地消费者如此强烈的反弹。而且哈伯总理和政府工业部长也准备推翻电信委员会的决定。
2006年移民,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。个人认为:多用多收,少用少收.点击展开... 支持 现实状况是"少用不少收,多用要多收"
回复: 反对加拿大电信公司对超流量用户进行收费-we need an internet hero支持多用多收,但加收要合理,2元1G实在太贵了。 我现在10刀60G确实不高.
回复: 反对加拿大电信公司对超流量用户进行收费-we need an internet hero他们想跟中国学习吗?
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