加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary期待牛人早日现身!


Photo shows C-Train operator doing a crossword puzzlehttp://www.calgaryherald.com/life/P...tor+doing+crossword+puzzle/4421855/story.htmlCalgary Transit officials believe they have figured out the identity of a train operator caught on camera apparently scribbling away at a crossword puzzle. "We have seen the photo, we're treating it very seriously and we will be speaking with the operator," said Calgary Transit spokesman, Ron Collins. "One thing we want to know, obviously, is whether or not that train was moving." The photo circulating on the web shows the side view of a driver, with a pen in the operator's right hand and a folded newspaper with the crossword puzzle on the dashboard. The driver's left hand appears to be on the throttle. Collins said the investigation was in its early stages Thursday, but possible discipline could range from a reprimand to dismissal. "Our policy is that that kind of activity in moving vehicle is not permitted and all drivers know that," he said. "Whether it's a bus or a C-Train, an operator can't be driving and be distracted from paying attention to the road and customers." Collins said such an incident is uncommon. "We have 1,700 transit operators on our system and they are all professional drivers," said Collins. "This is far and few between if indeed it happened."

回复: 期待牛人早日现身!这个司机惨了! 不过,不尊重别人的生命是不可宽恕的!

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