加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 CalgaryTo those guys waiting for a donation to Japan: Japanese, a great modern nation


There is a mini constructional show at SAIT recently. Honesty I would like to say almost all of buildings nowadays in China-so called your dear "motherland" are stupid and not enough to be shoulder to shoulder-the most impressive stuffs are those garbage local government buildings, so, basically I just took a piece of break and viewed them for fun. However, a photo named Japanese A Great Modern Nation did catch my eyes . The guys enjoying spending their time in the library might have noticed this ordinary photo with its strange common: A Great Modern Nation. How come an ever Nazi country could be taken as a great nation which is still limited to own its military? I can't say that this show is something poised to irritate Chinese, however, I did smell something is wrong because among all of the photos, I finally found a small mosaic at the corner, which is named China Television Tower followed by By Rem Kookhas-a non-Chinese. Who conducts it? I have already made an inquiry to SAIT's ASSAIT. Now waiting for the answer. --This is none business with your guys' so-called dear motherland. I just have to have those guys to make sense their stupid activities. Have those guys waiting for a donation to Japan ever noticed that people in Yunnan province much more need their donation than Japanese?

回复: To those guys waiting for a donation to Japan: Japanese, a great modern nation我会捐给任何人,但不会是日本.除非等它把欠中国的债(包括人情债)还完了再说.大家可以说我很...

回复: To those guys waiting for a donation to Japan: Japanese, a great modern nation为什么要捐给日本?

回复: To those guys waiting for a donation to Japan: Japanese, a great modern nationnever

回复: To those guys waiting for a donation to Japan: Japanese, a great modern nation同情他们!可惜,我没钱!

满脸胡子骑大马,打家劫舍挎匣子。抢钱抢粮抢地盘,抢枪抢炮抢女人 超赞 赏 Zero! 0$(VIP 0) 3,7402011-03-13#6 回复: To those guys waiting for a donation to Japan: Japanese, a great modern nation我是加拿大人,呵呵,我会做我的好事。The massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck Japan on Friday have left hundreds dead and many more stranded and homeless. And in this time of need, Canadians are looking for ways to reach out and help in rescue and recovery efforts. Here are some of the global aid agencies that you can contact to contribute to these efforts. Canadian Red Cross: Call toll free at 1-800-418-1111 or visit the webpage dedicated to providing relief in Japan. Donate here.CanadaHelps: Check here for an indepth listing of Canadian charities providing aid to those in need.Oxfam Canada: Teams and partner organizations are on-site and monitoring the situation from the ground. Donate here.Global Giving: Working with Save the Children, International Medical Corps and others to provide support on the grounds of Japan. Donate here.ADRA Canada: ADRA Japan has extensive experience with providing national and international support to those affected by such disasters. Donate here or call 1.888-274-2372.Christian Reformed World Relief Committee: Making arrangements with Christian partners on the grounds of Japan to provide emergency aid. Donate here or call 1-800-552-7972.Médicins Sans Frontières: Donate here or call 1-800-982-7903.UNICEF: Closely monitoring the situation in Japan and prepared to provide assistance and relief. Donate here.Plan International Canada: Has activated its emergency response teams currently stationed in Philippines and Indonesia. Donate here.World Vision Canada: Donations will help the organization to rush supplies such as food, clothing, blankets and shelter to those in need. Donate here or call 1-800-844-7993.

回复: To those guys waiting for a donation to Japan: Japanese, a great modern nation楼主从哪里看到的这个?

满脸胡子骑大马,打家劫舍挎匣子。抢钱抢粮抢地盘,抢枪抢炮抢女人 超赞 赏 默 默默耕耘 0$(VIP 0) 1,1482011-03-13#8 回复: To those guys waiting for a donation to Japan: Japanese, a great modern nationCNN的网站提醒: 每次天灾,都有一批假冒的慈善机构行骗,小心的好。

回复: To those guys waiting for a donation to Japan: Japanese, a great modern nation航母可以作为避难所呀。

宠辱不惊,坐看庭前花开花落;去留无意,漫随天外云卷云舒。 超赞 赏 V vivianchen 0$(VIP 0) 1,9202011-03-13#10 回复: To those guys waiting for a donation to Japan: Japanese, a great modern nation踩,踩,踩。

08年登录改专业从国内的会计读了护士13年1月在加拿大某医院开始做护士 超赞 赏 逍遥侯 0$(VIP 0) 1,5182011-03-13#11 回复: To those guys waiting for a donation to Japan: Japanese, a great modern nation日本把才几十年前的历史篡改了,这次中国国际救援队的到达,不知会不会也被改。

知足常乐。 超赞 赏 majorshenzhen早起的虫子被鸟吃 0$(VIP 0) 13,8412011-03-13#12 回复: To those guys waiting for a donation to Japan: Japanese, a great modern nation我的钱我作主!

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