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[email protected] 显示详细信息 12:30 (4 小时前) We are counting down to Sam & Dr. Boyd's next visit to Canada!REGISTER TODAY!Just 4 more days to catch the Early Bird registration.***If you register before March 31st your name will be entered in a draw for a gift valued at $100!***So don't wait any longer, go to MannaComm.com/CRS2011Cost: Associates - $10.00 Guests - FREEApril 6th - Richmond, BC -- Executive Airport Plaza at 7:30 pmApril 7th - Calgary, AB -- Greenwood Inn & Suites at 7:30 pmApril 8th - Winnipeg, MB -- Greenwood Inn & Suites at 7:30 pmApril 9th - Mississauga, ON -- Novotel Hotel Mississauaga at 10:30 amDon't miss the inspiration, the information and the fun! Mannatech, Inc. respects your right to privacy. You received this email because you have elected to receive Mannatech Corporate email communications. You can unsubscribe or modify your email communication options on your My Preferences section ( http://www.mannatech.com/RedirectToOptout.aspx?lang=1&emailType=1 ) of the mannatech.com website.
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