加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 CalgaryHow can i find a job without experience in calgary?


Hello,everyoneI just graduated from SAIT. Do you know how to find a job without experience? I have visited many agency in downtown but they are just interested in the people who have experience in canada. The program I took is Exploration Information Technology at SAIT.Thank you if you have any advice for me.

回复: How can i find a job without experience in calgary?Hello,everyoneI just graduated from SAIT. Do you know how to find a job without experience? I have visited many agency in downtown but they are just interested in the people who have experience in canada. The program I took is Exploration Information Technology at SAIT.Thank you if you have any advice for me.点击展开...1.紧盯住SAIT的找工作网站2.看报纸招聘3.看招聘网站4.到相关公司的网站一个一个去看5.找相关公司打COLD CALL6.告诉身边的每一个朋友你在找工作7.坚持,努力

回复: How can i find a job without experience in calgary?Thank you!漂泊异乡!!!

回复: How can i find a job without experience in calgary?就来个反其道而行,坑蒙拐骗

回复: How can i find a job without experience in calgary?碰运气吧。据我所知,你这个专业比石油工程就业率还高一点,所以很多地质专业或地球物理专业改学这个专业了。

回复: How can i find a job without experience in calgary?运气

回复: How can i find a job without experience in calgary?先做义工

"A bottle of white, a bottle of red, perhaps a bottle of rosé instead?"小孩才分对错,成年人只看利弊。 超赞 赏 X xqzhu 0$(VIP 0) 202011-05-11#8 回复: How can i find a job without experience in calgary?Thank you for all who gave me advice! But how can i get a chance to be a volunteer related my program?

回复: How can i find a job without experience in calgary?Thank you for all who gave me advice! But how can i get a chance to be a volunteer related my program?点击展开...Companies usually do not advertise for volunteers. It is up to you to OFFER your volunteer service for experience. You need to approach them. Good luck.

知足常乐。 超赞 赏 J jianlin 0$(VIP 0) 1,2222011-05-11#10 回复: How can i find a job without experience in calgary?http://www.volunteercalgary.ab.ca/try this one, i find my first v job there, it good to know people around.

回复: How can i find a job without experience in calgary?Thanks all!

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