加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 CalgaryRBC招聘活动,2011年6月2日,CCIS
Andrea, RBC Senior Recruiter from Vancouver has made arrangement to come to CCIS on June 2nd to host a recruitment event . She will provide job descriptions for CSR’s and Account Managers for you to pre-select and invite attendees. Venue: Room 110Time: 1st session 9:30 AM for the 1st session and ONLY if necessary 2nd session at 1:30 pm. Both sessions will last two hours and will include a presentation from Andrea and then a question and answer period for clients. Her goal is to recruit the top talent we have.
煮饭侠 超赞 赏 chris_cc愚者一得 0$(VIP 0) 3,8022011-05-22#2 回复: RBC招聘活动,2011年6月2日,CCIS有意从事银行工作的xdjm们一定要去看看。
煮饭侠 超赞 赏 J jc83419 0$(VIP 0) 4512011-05-22#3 回复: RBC招聘活动,2011年6月2日,CCIS只关心是否有网络方面的工作呵呵
回复: RBC招聘活动,2011年6月2日,CCIS只关心是否有网络方面的工作呵呵点击展开...你老兄,吃着碗里的,看着锅里的哈~~
煮饭侠 超赞 赏 枫叶情缘 0$(VIP 0) 3482011-05-25#5 回复: RBC招聘活动,2011年6月2日,CCISCCIS在哪里啊
回复: RBC招聘活动,2011年6月2日,CCIShttp://www.ccis-calgary.ab.ca/ CCIS Main Office: 3rd Floor, 120 - 17 Avenue SWCalgary, Alberta T2S 2T2CanadaT: 403.262.2006 F: 403.262.2033E: [email protected] But they are moving to new address this week, I guess. So you can contact them by calling or writing an email.
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