加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary刚收到的招聘会信息与大家分享:Job fair by Tarpon Energy on Sept 6 & 10


不知对大家找工作有没有用,贴出来与大家分享。 Tarpon is a leading supplier of electrical and instrumentation services, control systems and steel building solutions & provides a comprehensive range of services worldwide from design and engineering to project management, construction, commissioning and maintenance. ( Head Office 7020 - 81 Street SECalgary)[FONT='Times New Roman','serif']When: [/font][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']1) [/font][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at The Glenmore Inn from 4-7pm [/font][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']2) [/font][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Saturday, September 10, 2011 at The Glenmore Inn from 10am-3pm.[/font][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Positions to fill are primarily:[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']- Steel Welders and Fitters[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']- Fabrication Supervisor[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']- Cladder/Erector[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']- Shipper/Receiver[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Please visit website at: www.tarponenergy.com to view the job descriptions for all current job openings.[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']What to expect:[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] On-the-spot interviews will be held and attendees will be provided a chance to meet some of their Managers/Supervisors. This is a great opportunity to learn more about this company, job openings and opportunities for development.[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']What to Bring:[/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] Bring a resume with relevant experience and a list of applicable tickets. [/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Individuals without Canadian experience and those who are currently un-ticketed are welcome. [/FONT][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Candidates must have their own vehicle as their facility is not accessible by public transit.[/FONT]

回复: 刚收到的招聘会信息与大家分享:Job fair by Tarpon Energy on Sept 6 & 10改了好几遍,不知道为什么发出来的信息感觉有点乱呢?每句话前面都有这个呢 ?[FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] 带来的不便还请谅解。

回复: 刚收到的招聘会信息与大家分享:Job fair by Tarpon Energy on Sept 6 & 10都是必须有经验的

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