加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary哪位前辈知道卡城marlborough附近LINC学校的具体位置。



回复: 哪位前辈知道卡城marlborough附近LINC学校的具体位置。there is a CIES, you can search for it.

回复: 哪位前辈知道卡城marlborough附近LINC学校的具体位置。是Center for Newcomer,就在Marlborough的大统华对面。没在那里上过Linc,但是个人感觉它的移民服务是卡城几个机构中最差的。

煮饭侠there is a CIES, you can search for it.点击展开...谢谢。但不知CIES是什么意思。

回复: 哪位前辈知道卡城marlborough附近LINC学校的具体位置。是Center for Newcomer,就在Marlborough的大统华对面。 没在那里上过Linc,但是个人感觉它的移民服务是卡城几个机构中最差的。点击展开...经常看到你有用的帖子,非常热心,谢谢。

回复: 哪位前辈知道卡城marlborough附近LINC学校的具体位置。http://www.immigrant-education.ca/[FONT='Times New Roman','serif']To contact us,1723 - 40th Street S.E., Calgary, AB, T2A 7Y3Phone: 403-235-3666Fax: 403-272-7455 Email: [email protected] Ø [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']CIES office hours: Monday to Thursday: 8:30 am - 9:00 pmFriday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmSaturday: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm We are closed on Sundays and Statutory holidays. [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Driving directions[/FONT] Drive East on 17th Avenue SE, then turn North (left) on 40th Street SE. We are on your left at the end of the cul-de-sac. [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Busing directions[/FONT] Bus #1 - from downtown 7 Ave, to 17 Ave, 41th St. SEBus #23, #26, #57 - from Marlborough LRT to 17 Ave, 36th St. SEBus #72 - from Whitehorn LRT only, to 17 Ave, 36th St. SEBus #73 - from Chinook LRT, to 17 Ave, 36th St. SE [/FONT][/FONT]

回复: 哪位前辈知道卡城marlborough附近LINC学校的具体位置。http://www.immigrant-education.ca/ [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']To contact us,[FONT='Times New Roman','serif']1723 - 40th Street S.E., Calgary, AB, T2A 7Y3[/font][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Phone: 403-235-3666[/font][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Fax: 403-272-7455 [/font][FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Email: [email protected][/font][FONT='Times New Roman','serif'] Ø [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']CIES office hours:[/font] Monday to Thursday: 8:30 am - 9:00 pmFriday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pmSaturday: 9:00 am - 5:30 pm We are closed on Sundays and Statutory holidays.[FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Driving directions[/font] Drive East on 17th Avenue SE, then turn North (left) on 40th Street SE. We are on your left at the end of the cul-de-sac. [FONT='Times New Roman','serif']Busing directions[/font] Bus #1 - from downtown 7 Ave, to 17 Ave, 41th St. SEBus #23, #26, #57 - from Marlborough LRT to 17 Ave, 36th St. SEBus #72 - from Whitehorn LRT only, to 17 Ave, 36th St. SEBus #73 - from Chinook LRT, to 17 Ave, 36th St. SE [/font][/font]点击展开... 知道了,非常感谢。

回复: 哪位前辈知道卡城marlborough附近LINC学校的具体位置。知道了,非常感谢。点击展开...我在CIES上的LINC,我老公现在也在那里上,他在CENTRE FOR NEWCUMOERS 上过,不是很适合他,所以就转到cies了,这个地方位置比较相对来讲比较偏。

回复: 哪位前辈知道卡城marlborough附近LINC学校的具体位置。我在CIES上的LINC,我老公现在也在那里上,他在CENTRE FOR NEWCUMOERS 上过,不是很适合他,所以就转到cies了,这个地方位置比较相对来讲比较偏。点击展开... 谢谢,您能具体说说怎么不适合他吗?

回复: 哪位前辈知道卡城marlborough附近LINC学校的具体位置。back up

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