加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary加拿大买不到Vizio电视?顺便转载平板电视的区别。


本来想买Sharp 70LE734U,Visions正好在促销,这辈子还没看过70寸的电视呢,想买回来爽爽。习惯性的上网做做功课,就同以往一样,一做就做出问题来了,本来觉得自己也多少研究过一些平板电视的原理,不敢多说大致也知道一些,今天一查发现所知甚少。。。先转一个帖子,有兴趣的可以看一下。(转)LED TVs compared: Local dimming, edge-lit, and full arrayDavid Katzmaier Senior editorJuly 7, 2010 (updated on: July 8, 2011)If you thought all LED TVs were created equal, you're underestimating the power of confusion as a marketing tool. In their continuing efforts to compete against the picture quality advantages of plasma-based flat-panel TVs, makers of LCDs TVs have introduced numerous new technologies. The most successful in our opinion is full-array LED backlighting with local dimming. When you see the words "LED TV" in an ad, it definitely refers to an LCD TV with an LED backlight, but what type of LED backlight and how it's configured make all the difference.Below we've gathered reviews of six different "LED TVs" that provide examples of all four LED backlight configurations, but first we'll provide a bit of context. All LCD-based TVs rely on a backlight of some kind to illuminate the liquid-crystal panel itself. The most common use fluorescent backlights, known as CCFL, but a growing number feature LED backlights instead. LEDs use somewhat less power, can enable thinner flat-panel cabinets, and--crucially for TV makers--provide a great excuse to charge more money. But make no mistake: despite the misleading marketing, LED TVs are just LCD TVs with fancy backlights.Unfortunately for TV shoppers, the confusion just increases from there. To help cut through the clutter we're going to lengthen our descriptions beyond the "LED TV" shorthand, and tell you how picture quality generally compares with standard LCD. More details are available in our LED TVs: 10 things you need to know companion piece as well as the individual reviews.Full-array without local dimming: The rarest of the bunch but the most familiar in concept. These models are just like standard LCD-based TVs aside from the fact that the CCFL backlight is replaced by LEDs. The "full-array" means that the LEDs themselves are arranged behind the entire LCD panel, not just along the edge.Picture quality impact: No difference compared with standard LCD.Example below: Sharp LC-70LE73U seriesEdge-lit without local dimming: The most common today. Chances are if you see an "LED TV" advertised, it's this variety, which was first widely introduced by Samsung in 2009, then imitated in the last two years by just about everyone else. It's characterized by thin cabinet designs--around just an inch or even less in depth--that lead to decreased weight in shipping and wall-mounting, along with increased bragging rights (although we fail to see much practical appeal versus a standard, 3-to-5-inch-deep flat-panel TV). Unlike full-array models, the LEDs on these sets are arranged only along the edge of the LCD panel, and can illuminate the center and other areas of the screen using so-called "light guides."Picture quality impact: No major advantage over standard LCD, and can have even more uniformity problems, such as brighter edges compared with the middle.Example below: Samsung UND6400 seriesFull-array with local dimming: The original and still the best. There are exceptions, but in general, TVs with this LED backlight configuration are the best-performing LCDs you can buy. They're similar to full-array models, but the individual zones of LEDs can be dimmed or brightened independently.Picture quality impact: Can have significantly better black levels and uniformity than normal LCD, but will also exhibit "blooming," or stray illumination, to some extent.Examples below: Vizio XVT3 series; Sony XBR-HX929 seriesEdge-lit with local dimming: A hybrid currently available on select models from Samsung, LG, and Sony. The idea is to allow some dimming of the screen in independent areas without having to place LEDs behind the LCD panel, just along the edge.Picture quality impact: In our tests of the TVs here, the Samsung achieved darker black levels than the best nondimming edge-lit model (the UND6400), and the LG matched it, but neither matched the picture quality of full-array with local dimming and both exhibited more blooming.Examples below: Samsung UND8000 series; LG LW5600 series------------------------华丽的分割线---------------------------既然买就尽可能买最好的画质咯,sony居高不下的价格就算了,可另外一个牌子是啥?Vizio??完全没概念,放狗搜。北美(America)地区销量最好的平板电视??没理解错北美至少应该包含加拿大吧?可是所有我知道不知道的加拿大电器店我都搜了一遍,2010年还有,到了今年反而没了??FS,BB,Visions都搜了,没有。。。回过头来看,Sharp 的70LE734U的full array我原本以为是full array with local dimming,谁知竟然不是。当然,没有现场比较过with和without的区别,我也不敢说with一定好很多,但是从原理上讲是应该好的。随便在睡觉前发个帖子,有知道Vizio这个牌子并知道咱卡村哪里有卖这个牌子平板电视的请告知小弟一声,谢啦!呵呵

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 Z zywan0124 0$(VIP 0) 1602011-12-31#2 回复: 加拿大买不到Vizio电视?顺便转载平板电视的区别。以前看到过 最近好像真的没看到过楼主是米人 买电视这种东西都要买最贵最大的 电视降价升级特快 越高级的越快 挑最贵的买根本就不划算 而且往往是信号质量跟不上电视质量(比如高清电视台都只是720p的) 我是买合适的尺寸里最便宜的

回复: 加拿大买不到Vizio电视?顺便转载平板电视的区别。俺家就是vizio,当时沃尔玛这个最便宜就买了高清电视台应该是1080i(隔行扫描)

回复: 加拿大买不到Vizio电视?顺便转载平板电视的区别。以前看到过 最近好像真的没看到过楼主是米人 买电视这种东西都要买最贵最大的 电视降价升级特快 越高级的越快 挑最贵的买根本就不划算 而且往往是信号质量跟不上电视质量(比如高清电视台都只是720p的) 我是买合适的尺寸里最便宜的点击展开...谢谢朋友的回复和建议。您说的其实也对,信号源的确很少是1080P的,1080P的电视就感觉有些多余,偶尔下两部1080P的电影也要下一天,看吧,我真要有米就不在这儿发帖询问了。。。主要考虑电视是大件,想慎重一点,又舍不得那些看着很爽的大尺寸的,所以就上来请教大家了。。。呵呵不过话说回来,Vizio好像真的还算便宜的,同样尺寸的平板Vizio胜在价格和画质,界面据说差一点,可惜现在没得选了。。。我今天抽空再看看吧,呵呵

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。俺家就是vizio,当时沃尔玛这个最便宜就买了高清电视台应该是1080i(隔行扫描)点击展开...是啊,当年据说北美各大电器行和超市都铺货了,现在一台都看不到了。。。也听说性价比极高,所以想具体去看看,现在看不到了。。。谢谢朋友的回复,新年快乐!呵呵

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 为 为了家庭和爱情 0$(VIP 0) 2,9282011-12-31#6 回复: 加拿大买不到Vizio电视?顺便转载平板电视的区别。刚买一台,就是你们说的蛋疼的索尼。感觉画面都差不多。还是比国内便宜,国内同类都是上万,甚至有2万多的

回复: 加拿大买不到Vizio电视?顺便转载平板电视的区别。刚买一台,就是你们说的蛋疼的索尼。感觉画面都差不多。还是比国内便宜,国内同类都是上万,甚至有2万多的点击展开...。。。这才是米人啊,SONY在同样尺寸中基本都是最贵的了,不过画质说实话好像是好一点。我从选电视到现在就基本没怎么考虑过sony。。。不是不好,是觉得贵。。。

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 wondering 0$(VIP 0) 2,1082011-12-31#8 回复: 加拿大买不到Vizio电视?顺便转载平板电视的区别。vizio都是台湾的贴牌,成本比较低。

Carpe Diem vizio都是台湾的贴牌,成本比较低。点击展开...恩,其实我觉得台湾产的东西质量还可以吧,Garmin啊,一些小电器啊,很多台湾产的我觉得质量也不错,当然更不说台湾的电子制造业。现在便宜就好,呵呵,不过其实Vizio的卖点据说主要是效果好,Local Dimming有和无据说效果差别蛮大的,不知道有没有机会能看到实物比一下。

自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 C changtongBanned 0$(VIP 0) 5,5002012-01-01#10 回复: 加拿大买不到Vizio电视?顺便转载平板电视的区别。考虑过等离子没,前几天60寸的lg不到900块据说大屏等离子效果好啊

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