加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 CalgaryTLC(传统学习中心)非公民必须直接去教育局报名吗?
[FONT=华文行楷][FONT=华文行楷]http://blog.sina.com.cn/000000[/FONT][/FONT]我要这天,再遮不住我眼;要这地,再埋不了我心;要这众生,都明白我意;要那诸佛,都烟消云散! 超赞 赏 chris_cc愚者一得 0$(VIP 0) 3,8022012-01-16#2 回复: TLC(传统学习中心)非公民必须直接去教育局报名吗?http://www.cbe.ab.ca/Parents/register/default.aspIf your child is not a Canadian citizen, you will need to register at the Admissions Office at Kingsland Centre. If you are a permanent resident or you are here on a work or study permit, registration into the Calgary Board of Education is done by the Admissions Office. This is also the case even if your child has attended school elsewhere in Canada.Phone 403-777-7373 to ask questions about registration or to make an appointment.Kingsland Centre is located at 7430 5th Street S.W. Calgary. Click here to see a map.Kingland Centre also provides other services to assist newcomer families. Click here to learn more.
煮饭侠 超赞 赏 反馈:陌路人 爱Z无边Edmonton resident 0$(VIP 0) 2,2672012-01-16#3 回复: TLC(传统学习中心)非公民必须直接去教育局报名吗?yes, 在Kingsland
June 2011 - CALGARY Sept 2011 - SAIT - ELF Sept 2012 - SAIT - IET May 2014 - EDMONTON 超赞 赏 反馈:陌路人 流 流浪的云 0$(VIP 0) 2062012-01-17#4 回复: TLC(传统学习中心)非公民必须直接去教育局报名吗?学校拿表。然后交过去就可以啦!
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