加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 CalgarySeasonal 'Outside Work' Job Fair - Saturday, February 4
9 a.m. - 1 p.m. (access will not be granted prior to 9 a.m.)Water Centre - Manchester625 - 25 Avenue S.E. Calgary, AlbertaBow River Room -- main floorLike to work outdoors? Like to do physical labour? The City of Calgary requires hard working individuals for outside seasonal employment. We will not be accepting resumes for any other positions (ie. engineering, secretarial, etc.) A separate application or resume is required for each competition applied for. Please bring a pen and copies of your resume. Interviewing and hiring will be ongoing as required until approximately May 2012; HOWEVER, once a full complement of staff is reached the competition will close without notice. If successful, you must provide proof of qualifications and meet the demands of the job.The City of Calgary will participate in the following Career Fairs:February 7, 2012 ? 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.University of Calgary Career Fair and Job Expo Jack Simpson Gym ? Upper Track2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, ABMarch 7, 2012 ? 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.Mount Royal University Career and Recruitment FairMount Royal University, Lincoln Park Campus ? Main Street4825 Mount Royal Gate SW, Calgary, AB
2006年移民,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。 超赞 赏 反馈:wingyan, 卡城雷锋 和 xinzhou xinzhou携手教育,成为更好的自己 (905-475-4818) 0$(VIP 0) 4342012-02-01#2 回复: Seasonal 'Outside Work' Job Fair - Saturday, February 4谢谢斑竹提供这些好的信息.
2011.07登陆多伦多,石油专业。 超赞 赏 B bqw2011 0$(VIP 0) 162012-02-01#3 回复: Seasonal 'Outside Work' Job Fair - Saturday, February 4不知outside seasonal employment都干些啥?
回复: Seasonal 'Outside Work' Job Fair - Saturday, February 4thanks
June 2011 - CALGARY Sept 2011 - SAIT - ELF Sept 2012 - SAIT - IET May 2014 - EDMONTON 超赞 赏 B bqw2011 0$(VIP 0) 162012-02-04#5 回复: Seasonal 'Outside Work' Job Fair - Saturday, February 4今天去了,有几类:GOLF场地维护,垃圾清理,供水管网等,好像都是市政部门在招人,时薪多数在20元左右,体力劳动,还得要5号牌执照。现场有100多西人,亚洲面孔少见
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