加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgarythe Ernest Manning High School name be transferred to the new West Calgary High School
http://www.cbe.ab.ca/schools/underdev/WestCalgaryHS/west_Calgary.asp有在卡城西边住的朋友,家里有孩子读高中的,可以关注一下这个信息,这个不是west canada的分校,而是基于之前earest manning high school的新校,据说投入会比较大,希望可以尽快提升排名,这样西边就是卡城名副其实的名校区了,哈哈
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 Z zxcvirgin 0$(VIP 0) 2,5472012-04-22#2 回复: the Ernest Manning High School name be transferred to the new West Calgary High ScOctober 28, 2010 Dear Students and Parents/Guardians; Re: New West High School in Area IV The Calgary Board of Education is pleased to announce the opening of the West High School for the 2011-2012 school year. The new high school is located in the Springbank Hill community at 20 Springborough Boulevard S.W. and will serve students in grades 10-12 residing in south-west Calgary. A major responsibility of the department of Community Engagement and Operational Planning is to establish attendance areas for new schools. In conjunction with the Area IV Director, the attendance area shown on the map (see page 2) has been established and will be implemented when the new school opens. High school students in the regular program residing in this attendance area are designated to the West High School for the 2011-2012 school year. Please note that the attendance area is the same as the current Ernest Manning High School attendance area with the exception of Discovery Ridge. Students residing in the community of Discovery Ridge will have the option to attend either Central Memorial High School or the new West High School. School boundaries are reviewed annually and if any changes to the student accommodation plan are required, students, parents and other stakeholders will be notified. A walk zone for the new school is available on the CBE website at http://www.cbe.ab.ca/schools/underdev/WestCalgaryHS/West_High.pdf. Information regarding transportation services and fees is available on the CBE website, www.cbe.ab.ca, and at the schools. “Educating Tomorrow’s Citizens Today” Page 2 Notice to Students and Parents/Guardians West High School (replacing Ernest Manning High School) If you have questions or comments, please contact the Area IV office at 403-777-8750 (extension 0) or Community Engagement and Operational Planning at 403-294-8726.
自从得了精神病,整个人精神多了。Nexus 6P。 超赞 赏 S shenshenmama 0$(VIP 0) 3022012-04-22#3 回复: the Ernest Manning High School name be transferred to the new West Calgary High Sc迁址后,这个学校排名还在全省170多。
回复: the Ernest Manning High School name be transferred to the new West Calgary High Sc迁址后,这个学校排名还在全省170多。点击展开...还没开始招生呢吧。。。我怎么看新闻说是11年下半年第一年招生1500名呢?希望可以升级吧,咱那边以后就保值了,呵呵
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