加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary[评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键
新闻:《阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键》的相关评论阿尔伯达省本月下旬选举,分析员说,阿省保守党能否保存40年的王朝,要看省长雷德福(Alison Redford,图)本周的辩论表现。 雷德福希望本周四的党领电视辩论,能扭转局面,为保守党争取分数点击展开...找机会打垮他们!
All because of love! 超赞 赏 banff 0$(VIP 0) 4,1652012-04-10#2 回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键讨厌保守党,该下台了。
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键保守党的下一步就是把移民杀尽赶绝;
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=tOsSKV8f_Z4&feature=player_embedded[/ame]
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 超赞 赏 默 默默耕耘 0$(VIP 0) 1,1482012-04-15#5 回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键野玫瑰上台后, 恐怕又怀念保守党啦. 听说野玫瑰都懒得向华人拉票, 难道会对移民大开方便之门? 野玫瑰比保守党更右!
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键野玫瑰上台后, 恐怕又怀念保守党啦. 听说野玫瑰都懒得向华人拉票, 难道会对移民大开方便之门? 野玫瑰比保守党更右!点击展开... 那不管,先把保守党拉下来再说。野玫瑰不行,下次接着换,早晚会找到个比较好点的。
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键那不管,先把保守党拉下来再说。野玫瑰不行,下次接着换,早晚会找到个比较好点的。点击展开... 野玫瑰还不如保守党,选来选去就这两个党,NDP和自由党是绝对没戏的,认命吧
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键野玫瑰还不如保守党,点击展开...愿闻其详。
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键愿闻其详。点击展开... 我是道听途说的,据说野玫瑰比较激进,好象是由保守党中的部分右翼组建的,想搞阿省独立
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键我还听说野玫瑰要设立工作税,即非阿尔伯塔人在这里工作须交纳税,因为把钱拿走了。
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键我还听说野玫瑰要设立工作税,即非阿尔伯塔人在这里工作须交纳税,因为把钱拿走了。点击展开...什么是非阿尔伯塔人?难道阿省人还有什么标志不成?亦或是指在阿省出生的人才算? 不会指祖上八百年就在阿省居住才算吧?
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键野玫瑰是什么党?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake 超赞 赏 bigdog 0$(VIP 0) 2,5732012-04-18#13 回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键[FONT=宋体]打算投进步保守党了[/FONT]
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键[FONT=宋体]打算投进步保守党了[/FONT]点击展开... 进步保守党早就不存在了
如果觉得偶的帖子好,就给偶加声望吧?向学习MM学习。。。。。每天学习多一些进步保守党早就不存在了点击展开... 你肯定吗? 那Alberta是哪一个党在执政啊? http://www.votepc.ca/
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键住满六个月就是阿省居民,可以去投票。4月23日是投票日,不过大家可以这周四周五和周六提前投票。
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15 超赞 赏 bigdog 0$(VIP 0) 2,5732012-04-19#17 回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键[FONT=宋体]我写了信给个个候选人问问题[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]等看了回信再作最终决定[/FONT]
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键回答了我的5个问题最后也是最重要问题是:会忠于党还是忠于选民 Bigdog:You ask for info on very broad topics! I will have to be short:Health Care - PCs have failed to provide what Albertans deserve. We need to look at models that work around the world (i.e. not the US). Lots to do, you must read our policies here: www.wildrose.caEducation - in our riding we need schools - we are short about 6 schools right now. Otherwise, we need to trim management levels of school boards and AB Education to free up resources for front lines (teachers, aides).PST - we don't want one. There is plenty in the system now that just needs to be allocated better.Energy Strategy. Give the oil companies a long term, stable royalty regime that will encourage investment. We need to get the bitumen pipelines built to various markets so we get full value for the product. We should encourage companies to refine here what we will consume here to help stabilize prices of gasoline, diesel and other fuels or industrial feed stocks.Our party has free votes. I will vote the way I think will benefit my constituents most - in some cases I will poll them to determine their wishes.Bill
回复: [评论]阿省保守党40年王朝能否续命 党领辩论成关键回答了我的5个问题最后也是最重要问题是:会忠于党还是忠于选民 Bigdog:You ask for info on very broad topics! I will have to be short:Health Care - PCs have failed to provide what Albertans deserve. We need to look at models that work around the world (i.e. not the US). Lots to do, you must read our policies here: www.wildrose.caEducation - in our riding we need schools - we are short about 6 schools right now. Otherwise, we need to trim management levels of school boards and AB Education to free up resources for front lines (teachers, aides).PST - we don't want one. There is plenty in the system now that just needs to be allocated better.Energy Strategy. Give the oil companies a long term, stable royalty regime that will encourage investment. We need to get the bitumen pipelines built to various markets so we get full value for the product. We should encourage companies to refine here what we will consume here to help stabilize prices of gasoline, diesel and other fuels or industrial feed stocks.Our party has free votes. I will vote the way I think will benefit my constituents most - in some cases I will poll them to determine their wishes.Bill点击展开...
See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15你肯定吗? 那Alberta是哪一个党在执政啊? http://www.votepc.ca/点击展开... 保守党执政。进步保守党与加拿大联盟合并后才有了保守党。
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