加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary二手买卖 - 转发:参加8月4日体育节活动的注意事项


谢谢报名参加东北同乡会代表队的运动员。请阅读下面体育节组委会关于参加活动的注意事项。 所有已经登记的环炬运动委员会的会员、运动员、演员、义工等都要凭环炬运动委员会发放的会员卡作为门票进入公园。当天不办理任何登记手续。还没有拿到会员卡的会员或运动员,请从速与您办理登记的人联系。无会员卡或普通参观者门票为每人$5。 运动员要在8点半前到达运动场,在100M跑道的起点处报到集合,准备参加入场式。 因比赛场地为橡胶跑道,运动员不得穿钉子鞋,足球鞋等,以免损坏跑道。可以穿着普通胶底的跑步鞋或旅游鞋等。 服装以宽松舒适,适合运动为宜,无式样或颜色等要求。参加拔河项目的运动员,最好戴上手套。 非运动员或工作人员,不得在比赛场上随意走动,以免妨碍比赛或碰伤。尤其是带孩子的家长请一定看管好自己的孩子。 参加活动的团队及个人,自行携带午餐,饮用水,防晒用品等。因观众席座位有限,可自带折叠椅。 运动场附近有免费停车场,儿童娱乐场,野餐桌,公共厕所(最好自备些手纸,以备万一)等。 请保持运动场及公园的卫生与环境,爱护公共设施。 时间: 8月4日 (星期六) 地址: Calgary Rotary Challenger Park (3688, 48 Ave. NE) 挑战者公园位置地图: DISCLAIMER: Ihave read and understand the information regarding this event and understandthat I and/or children under my custody participate in this event at our ownrisk. I hereby attest and verify that I and/or the childrenundermy custody are physically fit and have sufficiently trained for this event. Iagree to comply with the rules and directions of event organizers and theirpersonnel. I hereby allow the use of our names and images to be used in themedia and for marketing purposes, and accept that our details will be added tothe total sport festival event database. I also understand that I will becontacted via email by Calgary Ringtorch Sport Association (CRSA) from time totime in regards to upcoming events and programs. I hereby agree that in thecase of event cancellation due to extreme inclement weather (at the discretionof event organizers); our entry fee shall be entirely non-refundable. I herebyacknowledge this waiver, release and indemnity discharge all persons,corporations, associations and bodies involved or otherwise engaged inpromoting or staging the event and their servants, agents, representatives,officers and employees. This includes but is not limited to Calgary RingtorchSport Association, the various committees, members, and employees of allindependent contracted suppliers to the event, local and regional councils,cities and districts and their respective officers, directors, employees,independent contractors, representatives, agents, volunteers, event organizersand sponsors whether or not the loss, injury or damage is attributed to the actor neglect of any or more of them.

回复: 转发:参加8月4日体育节活动的注意事项获奖者有什么奖励

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