加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary今天中午东北区36街看到警察不遵守交通规则
太初有道,道与神同在,道就是神。天行健,君子以自强不息。谷神不死,是谓玄牝。玄牝之门,是谓天地根,绵绵若存,用之不勤。个人建议华人应该在加拿大积极参政,可以有效地保护华人的权益。今天中午在东北区的36街等红绿灯时候看到旁边一个亚裔行人过马路时候,被一个警车suv准备右转的时候嘀了一声。我觉得这个警车很不礼貌,而且违法规则。没有开警灯警报而且不让行人。点击展开...如果你去Burnaby Metrotown Skytrain底下的那个公交站,人行横道稍微走慢点,公交司机就狂按喇叭了,绝对不止一声
Idiot runs Idiots Table,Moron outruns Idiots Table. You blow me away, nice(BLOW) job, Couve!! 超赞 赏 X xx888 0$(VIP 0) 962012-09-14#3 回复: 今天中午东北区36街看到警察不遵守交通规则no pics no proof
回复: 今天中午东北区36街看到警察不遵守交通规则今天中午在东北区的36街等红绿灯时候看到旁边一个亚裔行人过马路时候,被一个警车suv准备右转的时候嘀了一声。我觉得这个警车很不礼貌,而且违法规则。没有开警灯警报而且不让行人。点击展开...“快快,我要到Tim Hortons去买咖啡!”我老公以前是这样解释那些警察急着赶路的原因的...
回复: 今天中午东北区36街看到警察不遵守交通规则
回复: 今天中午东北区36街看到警察不遵守交通规则如果你去Burnaby Metrotown Skytrain底下的那个公交站,人行横道稍微走慢点,公交司机就狂按喇叭了,绝对不止一声点击展开...车让行人天经地义~这是规矩,但是行人也应该表示谢意,起码应该走快点,别尝试惹怒司机。这也是基本的礼尚往来!刚回国的那一天不适应,见人过人行道就减速让行,因为不习惯被车让,国人就缺少种礼貌的意识独坐方步的走过去~当然这也不怪他们~不习惯嘛。
回复: 今天中午东北区36街看到警察不遵守交通规则今天在DT,一行人一边打电话,一边悠闲的闯红灯,正常行驶的司机火了,不断嘀他,这哥们还满不在乎的样子。牛人呀!
回复: 今天中午东北区36街看到警察不遵守交通规则 点击展开... 同事看了这个图的反应:LOL!!! That’s hilarious! This is so stereotypical…Police in Canada definitely have the reputation of hanging out at Tim’s! I had a friend who got pulled over by the police years ago, he got in trouble for having a radar detector in his car….when the cop asked him why he had the radar detector he answered…’I am looking for Tim Horton’s’ J
煮饭侠同事看了这个图的反应:LOL!!! That’s hilarious! This is so stereotypical…Police in Canada definitely have the reputation of hanging out at Tim’s! I had a friend who got pulled over by the police years ago, he got in trouble for having a radar detector in his car….when the cop asked him why he had the radar detector he answered…’I am looking for Tim Horton’s’ J点击展开...
We may not know what the future holds, but we can trust the One who holds the future.同事看了这个图的反应:LOL!!! That’s hilarious!This is so stereotypical…Police in Canada definitely have the reputation of hanging out at Tim’s!I had a friend who got pulled over by the police years ago, he got in trouble for having a radar detector in his car….when the cop asked him why he had the radar detector he answered…’I am looking for Tim Horton’s’ J点击展开... 笑死我啦!
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