加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 CalgaryCharter Francophone Private Public Sepatare 这几类学校有什么区别?


如题,请教一下,然后考虑学区主要考虑公立学校么 ?

回复: Charter Francophone Private Public Sepatare 这几类学校有什么区别?Charter schools are autonomous non-profit public schools designed to provide innovative or enhanced education programs that improve the acquisition of student skills, attitudes and knowledge in some measurable way. Charter schools have characteristics that set them apart from other public schools in meeting the needs of a particular group of students through a specific program or teaching/learning approach while following Alberta Education's Program of Studies. http://www.education.alberta.ca/parents/choice/charter.aspxFrancophone SchoolsUnder the law, parents whose first language is French have a constitutional right to have their child educated in French where there are enough students to warrant it. They also have the right to govern these schools themselves. There are a number of francophone regional authorities operating schools in Alberta. http://www.education.alberta.ca/parents/choice/francophone.aspxPrivate Schools = 私立学校Public Schools = 公立学校Separate Schools = 宗教公立学校

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