加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary刚查到官网的一个解释,陆路回去就不要Travel Document了?


我的PR卡过期,配偶已经入藉,我用与配偶在中国一起的时间计算在加的时间。正准备办呢,发现在Help Center有这么一条,不知谁有更多的信息?从解释上看,如果从美国边境开车进入的话是不需要Travel Documnt的,这可是从来没听说过的。 链接如下:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?q=065&t=10 内容: What happens if my PR card expires while I am outside Canada? If you are a permanent resident outside Canada and you do not have a valid permanent resident card, you may need a travel document to return to Canada.Send an Application for a Travel Document to a Canadian visa office abroad. If returning to Canada in a private vehicle like a car or a boat:You will not require a travel document.If returning to Canada with a commercial carrier like a plane:You may need a travel document.Before travelling, check with the commercial carrier what documents you need. If you need a travel document, send an Application for a Travel Document to the visa office that serves the country where you are physically present.Once you return to Canada, apply for a permanent resident card if you intend to travel outside Canada again.Note that Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) does not mail permanent resident cards to addresses outside Canada.

回复: 刚查到官网的一个解释,陆路回去就不要Travel Document了?查到更多的解释,只要移民纸就可以,但会被问居住时间。另:帖子发错版面了,怎么移动啊? If you return to Canada in a private vehicle, such as your own car, you do not need a permanent resident card. You can use your Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688) instead. You would have received these documents at the same time as your visa if you were an overseas applicant or when you landed at your local visa office if you applied from within Canada. An officer will ask you questions to make sure you meet all of the residency requirements before allowing you to come back to Canada.When you return to Canada, apply for a permanent resident card if you intend to travel outside Canada again.

回复: 刚查到官网的一个解释,陆路回去就不要Travel Document了?up up up

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