加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 CalgaryJob-urgent needed


RESPONSIBILITIES: Perform preliminary and detailed engineering for pipeline facilities, compressor stations, pump stations, tank farms, , and pipeline tie-ins using CSA Z662 & ASME B31.3 codes Work within specified budgets and schedules and meeting corporate and project quality requirements Piping design and materials selection for typical western Canadian oil and gas projects and pipeline pump and compressor station facilities Piping hydraulics and line sizing Support of piping stress analysis (CAESAR II experience an asset) Prepare equipment specifications and data sheets for oil and gas facilities and technical evaluation of vendor proposals, including review of vendor drawings Preparation of piping and mechanical construction specifications Direct the preparations of and check mechanical drawings including P&IDs, piping plans, sections and isometrics Support cost estimating including capital and operating costs and engineering man-hours Engineering quality plans Review of mechanical engineering procedures Mentoring junior engineers, administration and supervision of mechanical engineers Maintain professional training requirementsQualifications P. Eng registration with APEGA or equivalent A minimum 10 years of experience with an EPC company, with preliminary and detailed engineering for oil and gas, and pipeline facilities At least 1 year of field experience is preferred Success working within specified budgets and schedules and meeting corporate and project quality requirements Detailed knowledge of piping design and materials for typical western Canadian oil and gas projects, with specific experience with pipeline pump and compressor station facilities Experience with the preparation of equipment specifications and data sheets for oil and gas facilities and technical evaluation of vendor proposals, including review of vendor drawings Working knowledge of piping and mechanical construction specifications PM me with your phone and email.

2005.9.5职业生涯开始,在意大利餐馆洗碗。。开心哦。。2005.11.26 Casino, dealer2006.1.09 Mechanical engineer2006.1.10正式吻别可爱的waitresses,含泪离开自己心爱的洗碗专业和可爱的姑娘们。。做一个纯粹的人,朴质的人,乐于助人的人,尽力帮助需要帮助的人,把欢乐带给大家,悲伤留给自己,独自坐看夕阳西斜的人。开弓没有回头箭,世上没有后悔药。。。狼婆婆语录1:学会感恩http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=53840狼婆婆语录2:将心比心狼婆婆凉台上的葱http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=26031刷盘子随想二-快乐的生活与小坏蛋 http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=26776刷盘子随想--狼婆婆的职业生涯第一天http://www.canadameet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26032狼婆婆大战小臭虫 http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=27763wolf 和他的婆姨们http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=57071That's the way I have gone;That's the way I'll go;That's where we dream to be;That's where we will have to struggle there...如果有喜欢玄学,想预测签证日期的朋友,,欢迎到http://www.yuce9126.com/index.php 东方预测网,免费预测。 超赞 赏 J jianlin 0$(VIP 0) 1,2222013-02-25#2 回复: Job-urgent neededding

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卡尔加里 Calgary-加拿大


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