加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary关于办理信用卡~



屈服于命运的人,会有伤悲。。。 超赞 赏 Q quinn 0$(VIP 0) 5842013-05-30#2 回复: 关于办理信用卡~直接付现金,无需办卡

回复: 关于办理信用卡~办理信用卡还是非常有必要的,将来买房贷款时会用的上,如果没有信用,很难拿到好的利率。 Royal bank的cash back可以不需要信用就可以办理,买日常食品和加油都有2%的折扣,买其它1%。TD也有新移民可以办理的信用卡,但是返点不到0.5%。 因为新移民在银行没有信誉,所以需要交与你的透支额度等同的押金。

回复: 关于办理信用卡~一点存款没有咋过来的?

回复: 关于办理信用卡~去丰业银行吧,申请个不要押金的VISA先用半年再申请其他的目前能申请到不用押金的恐怕只有这个

超赞 Royal bank的cash back可以不需要信用就可以办理,买日常食品和加油都有2%的折扣,买其它1%。点击展开...这个以前没听说过,似乎更好,不知要不要押金,楼主多问问吧

超赞 这个以前没听说过,似乎更好,不知要不要押金,楼主多问问吧点击展开... 银行说的很清楚,带好证件直接去申请就可以了:http://www.rbc.com/canada/banking-packages/Cash Back MasterCard 相关的信息:http://www.rbcroyalbank.com/credit-cards/cash-back-credit-cards/cash-back-mastercard/

回复: 关于办理信用卡~查了一下RBC的这个信用卡的返还条款,还是有多限制的:† You will earn i) $2.00 back for every $100.00 (2% Cash Back Credit) in Grocery Store Purchases you make, up to a maximum of $6,000 per Annual Period, ii) $1.00 back for every $100.00 (1% Cash Back Credit) in Grocery Store Purchases you make in excess of $6,000 during an Annual Period, unlimited, iii) $0.50 back for every $100.00 (0.5% Cash Back Credit) in Net Purchases you make (including pre-authorized bill payments), other than Grocery Store Purchases, up to a maximum of $6,000 per Annual Period, and iv) $1.00 back for every $100.00 (1% Cash Back Credit) in Net Purchases you make (including pre-authorized bill payments), other than Grocery Store Purchases, in excess of $6,000 during an Annual Period, unlimited. Grocery Store Purchases are purchases made at merchants classified by MasterCard's "Merchant Category Code" as "grocery stores and supermarkets" (MCC 5411). Royal Bank of Canada ("Royal Bank") cannot guarantee that any merchant, operating in whole or in part as a grocery store, is classified by MCC 5411 and in no event will Royal Bank be liable or responsible for any claims with respect to a grocery store purchase made at a merchant that is not classified by MCC 5411. To consult the list of participating merchants, please visit: www.rbc.com/nofeecashback. Provided your New Cash Back Balance is $25.00 or more, Cash Back Credits earned during the year will i) automatically be applied to your January monthly statement, ii) and/or to any other monthly statement, upon request. Cash Back Credits are not earned on cash advances (including RBC Royal Bank credit card cheques, balance transfers, cash-like transactions and certain bill payments), interest charges or fees, and credits for returns and adjustments will reduce or cancel the cash back credits earned by the amounts originally charged. For complete details, please refer to the RBC Cash Back Program Terms and Conditions at:不知道新移民是否能申请下来。有一个疑问,如果购买50刀的产品,会有返还吗? 因为上面说每100元返现。新移民刚来的时候,每次去超市肯定要算汇率,这样,每次买东西都很有可能几十块钱。所以这个问题俺认为比较重要的,尤其是对于新人。当年俺第一个信用卡是BMO的押金卡,没啥特点,这个可以作为备份。

回复: 关于办理信用卡~去丰业银行吧,申请个不要押金的VISA先用半年再申请其他的目前能申请到不用押金的恐怕只有这个点击展开...这个建议不错。

回复: 关于办理信用卡~办理信用卡还是非常有必要的,将来买房贷款时会用的上,如果没有信用,很难拿到好的利率。 Royal bank的cash back可以不需要信用就可以办理,买日常食品和加油都有2%的折扣,买其它1%。TD也有新移民可以办理的信用卡,但是返点不到0.5%。 因为新移民在银行没有信誉,所以需要交与你的透支额度等同的押金。点击展开...非常感谢你的建议,不过,有没有最好不需要押金的卡可以办理呢?说实话,我和老公在找房子住,真的是手头没有很多现金,有一些也要留着一旦租到房子付房租及押金用。

屈服于命运的人,会有伤悲。。。去丰业银行吧,申请个不要押金的VISA先用半年再申请其他的目前能申请到不用押金的恐怕只有这个点击展开...好的 我搜一下他们的网站看看相关的要求,多谢你!

屈服于命运的人,会有伤悲。。。好的 我搜一下他们的网站看看相关的要求,多谢你!点击展开...这个你都不用花时间上网查,直接上门,证明你是新移民,肯定给你,不用押金,不过是不是会要你开个支票账户,呵呵这个就是暂时用一下,一年半载以后有了良好的信用记录,申请几个好的卡,这个卡就可以不用了

超赞 查了一下RBC的这个信用卡的返还条款,还是有多限制的:† You will earn i) $2.00 back for every $100.00 (2% Cash Back Credit) in Grocery Store Purchases you make, up to a maximum of $6,000 per Annual Period, ii) $1.00 back for every $100.00 (1% Cash Back Credit) in Grocery Store Purchases you make in excess of $6,000 during an Annual Period, unlimited, iii) $0.50 back for every $100.00 (0.5% Cash Back Credit) in Net Purchases you make (including pre-authorized bill payments), other than Grocery Store Purchases, up to a maximum of $6,000 per Annual Period, and iv) $1.00 back for every $100.00 (1% Cash Back Credit) in Net Purchases you make (including pre-authorized bill payments), other than Grocery Store Purchases, in excess of $6,000 during an Annual Period, unlimited. Grocery Store Purchases are purchases made at merchants classified by MasterCard's "Merchant Category Code" as "grocery stores and supermarkets" (MCC 5411). Royal Bank of Canada ("Royal Bank") cannot guarantee that any merchant, operating in whole or in part as a grocery store, is classified by MCC 5411 and in no event will Royal Bank be liable or responsible for any claims with respect to a grocery store purchase made at a merchant that is not classified by MCC 5411. To consult the list of participating merchants, please visit: www.rbc.com/nofeecashback. Provided your New Cash Back Balance is $25.00 or more, Cash Back Credits earned during the year will i) automatically be applied to your January monthly statement, ii) and/or to any other monthly statement, upon request. Cash Back Credits are not earned on cash advances (including RBC Royal Bank credit card cheques, balance transfers, cash-like transactions and certain bill payments), interest charges or fees, and credits for returns and adjustments will reduce or cancel the cash back credits earned by the amounts originally charged. For complete details, please refer to the RBC Cash Back Program Terms and Conditions at: 不知道新移民是否能申请下来。有一个疑问,如果购买50刀的产品,会有返还吗? 因为上面说每100元返现。新移民刚来的时候,每次去超市肯定要算汇率,这样,每次买东西都很有可能几十块钱。所以这个问题俺认为比较重要的,尤其是对于新人。当年俺第一个信用卡是BMO的押金卡,没啥特点,这个可以作为备份。点击展开... 我现在用的就是这张卡,新移民可以办,不过要求是嘎嘎新的,必须一点信用记录都没有,哪怕有个手机合约都不行,满足这个条件才可以不用交押金,否则就要交1000元押金才能申请。至于返现,不是一笔一笔的返,是累积金额返的。

回复: 关于办理信用卡~我是丰业银行办的,新移民只要地址信,什么都不用就办了

2009.2 魁省FN,2010.2补料一,2010.5补料二,2010.8免面,2010,10 CSQ,2010.11联邦FN,2011.6ME,2011.9PL,2011.10.12 CIC签收,2011.11.01收到LP,2012.3.17登陆CANADA.2013.3.28 定居CALGARY(全家团聚)... 超赞 赏 一 一块熏肉 0$(VIP 0) 292013-05-30#15 回复: 关于办理信用卡~我按照闻粥粥同学的推荐申请了MBNA信用卡,挺好使的。如果有其他人在近期也准备申请,可以考虑用这个推荐号码,有$50补贴。谢谢。As an MBNA ® cardholder we appreciate your loyalty and trust you’ve been enjoying all of the benefits of your MBNA credit card. This month, when your friends apply for an MBNA credit card we'll give you a $50 credit*. Once approved, each friend will receive a $50 credit* on their new card after spending their first $150 by August 30, 2013. Earn a $50 credit* now. Here's how: 1. Send your friends to www.mbna.ca/referafriend to apply for an MBNA credit card between now and June 30, 20131 2. Referral code: 162 985 877 YZ 3. Allow 6-8 weeks for the statement credit to post to your MBNA credit card account It's that simple!

回复: 关于办理信用卡~RBC,CIBC新移民办理信用卡都不用押金的。

回复: 关于办理信用卡~非常感谢你的建议,不过,有没有最好不需要押金的卡可以办理呢?说实话,我和老公在找房子住,真的是手头没有很多现金,有一些也要留着一旦租到房子付房租及押金用。点击展开... 一般押金的信用卡,用$1000押一年就行。去Scotiabank问问不要押金的吧。相当来讲Scotiabank对新移民要比RBC好些(纯感觉)。

回复: 关于办理信用卡~楼主老公应该有信用卡吧,免费申请个附属卡就可以了。

回复: 关于办理信用卡~楼主老公应该有信用卡吧,免费申请个附属卡就可以了。点击展开...新移民估计也没有。再说附属卡没法积累信用记录。

回复: 关于办理信用卡~去丰业银行吧,申请个不要押金的VISA先用半年再申请其他的目前能申请到不用押金的恐怕只有这个点击展开... scotiabank 有个信用卡新移民办不要押金的

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