加拿大华人论坛 卡尔加里 Calgary请问waterton park有啥好玩的?



回复: 请问waterton park有啥好玩的?开车单程得四个小时左右。湖很漂亮。可以说坐船到美加边境的岛上玩一玩。湖边可以烧烤。镇子里有很多小鹿。

回复: 请问waterton park有啥好玩的?山顶上的CAMERON LAKE值得去,可以划船。另外图中的酒店也是加拿大独一无二的全木结构的建筑。乘船到对岸的美加边境也是我的最爱,上次同美边防官员开玩笑,在他身后转一圈算入美国边境,在我护照上盖了个章留念。

回复: 请问waterton park有啥好玩的?没有去过,想去一下,开车多长时间?有啥好玩的?谢谢。点击展开...i. 从卡城开车到waterton park , 271公里,估计3小时左右;ii. Top Ten Things To Do In Waterton Park - Summer!10. Buy a local a drink!9. Go horseback riding and get a taste of the Western ways.8. Rent a paddle boat or canoe at Cameron Lake and visit the interpretation center. Hint: Try to spot a grizzly bear along the mountain side at the end of this glacier fed lake. 7. Hike to Crypt Lake (rated one of Canada's best hiking trails).6. Drive to Red Rock Canyon and keep track of all the different wildflowers, plan, bird, and animal species that you spot along the way.5. Rent a scooter from Pat's4. Go on an evening wildlife tour with Canadian Wilderness Tours.3. Take the International Boat Cruise to Goat Haunt Montana and marvel at the international boarder cut line through the trees along side the mountain.2. Climb the Bear's Hump and see the best, easiest view of Waterton Lake.1. Partake in an extraordinary dining experience at the Vimy's Bar & Grill!iii, 如果喜欢hiking, 可以参考以下连接http://www.watertonpark.com/activities/hiking_trail.htmiv. 个人建议 ,家庭游, 两天或三天1. Red Rock Canyon & Blakiston Falls2. Hiking to Bear's Hump3. Waterton Town & Cameron Falls4. Waterton Lake Cruise5. Cameron Lake & Cameron Lakeshore hiking6. Hike to Crypt Lake ( need boat taxi across Waterton Lake first)

回复: 请问waterton park有啥好玩的?开车单程得四个小时左右。湖很漂亮。可以说坐船到美加边境的岛上玩一玩。湖边可以烧烤。镇子里有很多小鹿。点击展开...谢谢回复。请问要坐船到美加边境的岛上玩要带上护照么?

回复: 请问waterton park有啥好玩的?山顶上的CAMERON LAKE值得去,可以划船。另外图中的酒店也是加拿大独一无二的全木结构的建筑。乘船到对岸的美加边境也是我的最爱,上次同美边防官员开玩笑,在他身后转一圈算入美国边境,在我护照上盖了个章留念。点击展开...谢谢回复。请问图中的酒店叫什么名字?住宿很贵么?

回复: 请问waterton park有啥好玩的?i. 从卡城开车到waterton park , 271公里,估计3小时左右;ii. Top Ten Things To Do In Waterton Park - Summer!10. Buy a local a drink!9. Go horseback riding and get a taste of the Western ways.8. Rent a paddle boat or canoe at Cameron Lake and visit the interpretation center. Hint: Try to spot a grizzly bear along the mountain side at the end of this glacier fed lake. 7. Hike to Crypt Lake (rated one of Canada's best hiking trails).6. Drive to Red Rock Canyon and keep track of all the different wildflowers, plan, bird, and animal species that you spot along the way.5. Rent a scooter from Pat's4. Go on an evening wildlife tour with Canadian Wilderness Tours.3. Take the International Boat Cruise to Goat Haunt Montana and marvel at the international boarder cut line through the trees along side the mountain.2. Climb the Bear's Hump and see the best, easiest view of Waterton Lake.1. Partake in an extraordinary dining experience at the Vimy's Bar & Grill!iii, 如果喜欢hiking, 可以参考以下连接http://www.watertonpark.com/activities/hiking_trail.htmiv. 个人建议 ,家庭游, 两天或三天1. Red Rock Canyon & Blakiston Falls2. Hiking to Bear's Hump3. Waterton Town & Cameron Falls4. Waterton Lake Cruise5. Cameron Lake & Cameron Lakeshore hiking6. Hike to Crypt Lake ( need boat taxi across Waterton Lake first)点击展开...谢谢详细的信息和链接。请问有什么宾馆和饭店推荐么?

回复: 请问waterton park有啥好玩的?谢谢详细的信息和链接。请问有什么宾馆和饭店推荐么?点击展开...1. no passport needed once cruising to USA;2. suggest Camping or B&B ;3. hotel name " prince of wales hotel" in the park ( old and expensive);4. motels: you might be interested in booking motel/hotels at Pincher Creek or Cardston town5. Hotel booking website: booking.com, priceline.com, expedia.ca6. B&B website: Google "Bed and Breakfast waterton Park", you will find a lot of info!7. I'd like to recommend to rent a cabin with B&B;Have a fun and good summer!

回复: 请问waterton park有啥好玩的?mark

061106递交申请;061122 - FN;080808 - S2信;081125 - 递交补料;090216 - ME;0902月底递交登陆费及护照;090301 - 体检;100118 - 17;100119-大信封;100210-短登卡尔加里;101023-长登卡尔加里;110104-LINC 5 超赞 赏 泠泠67普通用户 9$(VIP 0,#124) 3,5942013-06-19#10 回复: 请问waterton park有啥好玩的?去过,真漂亮的风景。特怀念。旅店$100-300之间,可以Camping。

2006年移民,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。1. no passport needed once cruising to USA;2. suggest Camping or B&B ;3. hotel name " prince of wales hotel" in the park ( old and expensive);4. motels: you might be interested in booking motel/hotels at Pincher Creek or Cardston town5. Hotel booking website: booking.com, priceline.com, expedia.ca6. B&B website: Google "Bed and Breakfast waterton Park", you will find a lot of info!7. I'd like to recommend to rent a cabin with B&B;Have a fun and good summer!点击展开...非常感谢你的热心帮助!很期待waterton的旅行。

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回复: 请问waterton park有啥好玩的?mark

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